Astara Meditation at 8 PM UTC
Smaly7 has proposed to do a new meditation called Astara Meditation at 8 PM UTC. This is a meditation aiming to provide healing to Lightworkers around the world.
UPDATE: For people in Asia, please feel free to do it at 1 PM UTC if you wish.
The name of this meditation is dedicated to the Goddess, Isis Astara, who was living on Earth and has inspired many people. Her goal was to bring balance back to liberate the planet and all sentient beings living here. Since she has left the physical plane, we pay tribute to her memory by pursuing the goal of bringing balance and harmony into our daily lives. This will also assist us to create balance within our bodies.
As he has summed up the below brilliantly about the rationale behind healing:
Sign up to receive healing
Before participating in this meditation, those who want to get healed can send your name to the following email:
So that your name can be added to the list which can be found here:
You will have to sign up only the person's name which will be put on a list publicly. If someone is in hospital or if they have technical difficulties with joining the program, they can ask someone else to do it for them. But we should not put someone on the list unless we talked to them beforehand. It would be against the principle of free will and it would be almost completely ineffective because it needs the decision of the person who wants to get healed, according to the things mentioned above. Moreover, they will need to actively participate at the time of the meditation.
If you do not want to be on the list but you still want to get healing, feel free to do the above meditation without giving your name.
For people who want to receive healing through Astara Meditation
A Facebook event for this meditation has been created and can be found in the link below
(updated due to new meditation times at 1pm and 7pm utc):
You can convert UTC to your local time zone here:
Here are the instructions of this meditation for those who wants to participate in this healing:
1. Every evening at (8pm UTC), find a quiet place, close your eyes and relax your body and mind. Watch your breathing and, if possible, exclude all other thoughts, just think of how freely life flows into you as you breathe in and out. It is best to focus your attention on the small area below your nose, if your mind wanders and feel the air flowing in and out. But you can also use your own technique you usually use to relax.
2. Imagine a sphere of brilliant white Light 20 cm above your head, from which a beautiful, pure white Light is flowing on you.
3. Feel your body bathing in this brilliant Light, just like in a flood. In the meantime, remember that you are Love, Light, and the Will of a Higher Power that gives you life, loves you, and wants you the best if you accept it within yourself. See this Light flowing towards the center of the Earth.
4. Now make a decision that with this Light that gives you strength and hope, you will get healed. Focus all your thoughts, feelings, words and deeds on this and it will guide you every minute of the day.
5. Stay in this flood of Light for as long as it feels good.

A guided audio for this meditation is under preparation, and will be published here when it is available.
However, please note that taking part in the meditation is NOT a substitute for medical interventions you may have received, or are receiving, You should visit a doctor who is aware of the Natural Laws and knows the cause of what is happening within you, and why.
For healers or healling supporters
Those who want to participate as healing supporters, please read through the list of names below before the meditation and think of the people behind the names from your heart.
Make a decision that you will be guided by acceptance and Love during the meditation and that you will help from the sense of Oneness during the process. The following meditation is recommended:
1. Every evening at 8pm UTC, find a quiet place, close your eyes and relax your body and mind. Watch your breathing and, if possible, exclude all other thoughts, just think of how freely life flows into you as you breathe in and out. It is best to focus your attention on the small area below your nose, if your mind wanders and feel the air flowing in and out. But you can also use your own technique you usually use to relax.
2. Imagine a pillar of White Light coming from the Galactic Central Sun, going through each and every person – those who want to get healed and those who help them heal, down to the center of the Earth. Then imagine another pillar of white Light coming from the center of the Earth, going through each and every person – those who want to get healed and those who help them heal, back to the Galactic Central Sun. The two pillars of Light will remain active throughout the meditation and you can see the Light continuously flowing.
3. Imagine a sphere of brilliant white Light, 20 cm above your head, your Soul Star chakra, connecting to these pillars of Light and a beautiful, pure white Light is flowing on you and on everyone participating in this meditation. Everyone connects with each other through the Soul Star chakras, creating a brilliant network of Light.
4. Imagine and decide that this pure white Light transforms all negative feelings, thoughts, words and deeds within you, within those who want to get healed and within Mother Earth. Everything and everyone gets healed.
5. Stay in this flow for as long as it feels good.
Victory of the Light!
About this blog:
We Love Mass Meditation organize mass meditations aiming to help to achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.
Please join us in Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC and Emergency Meditation at 3 PM UTC every day if you feel so guided.
We also organize different mass meditations regularly for various purposes. They can be found in this link below:
We also provide emergency financial support to lightworkers around the world. Please feel free to make regular or one-off contribution using the link below:
Please assist/support us for a smooth transition in planetary liberation in the highest Light.
UPDATE: For people in Asia, please feel free to do it at 1 PM UTC if you wish.
The name of this meditation is dedicated to the Goddess, Isis Astara, who was living on Earth and has inspired many people. Her goal was to bring balance back to liberate the planet and all sentient beings living here. Since she has left the physical plane, we pay tribute to her memory by pursuing the goal of bringing balance and harmony into our daily lives. This will also assist us to create balance within our bodies.
As he has summed up the below brilliantly about the rationale behind healing:
"In order to get healed, just like any other goal, you have to make a clear decision. A decision made out of free will, behind which is your Higher Being. Without this no one will be added to the meditation.We would also encourage every one to read the link from Smaly7 above to gain a better understanding of this healing meditation.
You cannot heal someone who has already decided to give up on life. You cannot heal anyone who does not want it. You cannot make them healthy until they have chosen out of free will. From day one, the dark forces try to take away the possibility of positive decision from us by programming us with fear. It is time to take your power back and begin making the right decisions! Each of us must learn to decide again, make positive choices that create a vital life, not choices that lead to pain or death. We must now decide from the heart! We must consciously follow the heart's decision, to walk our own path."
Sign up to receive healing
Before participating in this meditation, those who want to get healed can send your name to the following email:
So that your name can be added to the list which can be found here:
You will have to sign up only the person's name which will be put on a list publicly. If someone is in hospital or if they have technical difficulties with joining the program, they can ask someone else to do it for them. But we should not put someone on the list unless we talked to them beforehand. It would be against the principle of free will and it would be almost completely ineffective because it needs the decision of the person who wants to get healed, according to the things mentioned above. Moreover, they will need to actively participate at the time of the meditation.
If you do not want to be on the list but you still want to get healing, feel free to do the above meditation without giving your name.
For people who want to receive healing through Astara Meditation
A Facebook event for this meditation has been created and can be found in the link below
(updated due to new meditation times at 1pm and 7pm utc):
You can convert UTC to your local time zone here:
Here are the instructions of this meditation for those who wants to participate in this healing:
1. Every evening at (8pm UTC), find a quiet place, close your eyes and relax your body and mind. Watch your breathing and, if possible, exclude all other thoughts, just think of how freely life flows into you as you breathe in and out. It is best to focus your attention on the small area below your nose, if your mind wanders and feel the air flowing in and out. But you can also use your own technique you usually use to relax.
2. Imagine a sphere of brilliant white Light 20 cm above your head, from which a beautiful, pure white Light is flowing on you.
3. Feel your body bathing in this brilliant Light, just like in a flood. In the meantime, remember that you are Love, Light, and the Will of a Higher Power that gives you life, loves you, and wants you the best if you accept it within yourself. See this Light flowing towards the center of the Earth.
4. Now make a decision that with this Light that gives you strength and hope, you will get healed. Focus all your thoughts, feelings, words and deeds on this and it will guide you every minute of the day.
5. Stay in this flood of Light for as long as it feels good.

A guided audio for this meditation is under preparation, and will be published here when it is available.
However, please note that taking part in the meditation is NOT a substitute for medical interventions you may have received, or are receiving, You should visit a doctor who is aware of the Natural Laws and knows the cause of what is happening within you, and why.
For healers or healling supporters
Those who want to participate as healing supporters, please read through the list of names below before the meditation and think of the people behind the names from your heart.
Make a decision that you will be guided by acceptance and Love during the meditation and that you will help from the sense of Oneness during the process. The following meditation is recommended:
1. Every evening at 8pm UTC, find a quiet place, close your eyes and relax your body and mind. Watch your breathing and, if possible, exclude all other thoughts, just think of how freely life flows into you as you breathe in and out. It is best to focus your attention on the small area below your nose, if your mind wanders and feel the air flowing in and out. But you can also use your own technique you usually use to relax.
2. Imagine a pillar of White Light coming from the Galactic Central Sun, going through each and every person – those who want to get healed and those who help them heal, down to the center of the Earth. Then imagine another pillar of white Light coming from the center of the Earth, going through each and every person – those who want to get healed and those who help them heal, back to the Galactic Central Sun. The two pillars of Light will remain active throughout the meditation and you can see the Light continuously flowing.
3. Imagine a sphere of brilliant white Light, 20 cm above your head, your Soul Star chakra, connecting to these pillars of Light and a beautiful, pure white Light is flowing on you and on everyone participating in this meditation. Everyone connects with each other through the Soul Star chakras, creating a brilliant network of Light.
4. Imagine and decide that this pure white Light transforms all negative feelings, thoughts, words and deeds within you, within those who want to get healed and within Mother Earth. Everything and everyone gets healed.
5. Stay in this flow for as long as it feels good.
Victory of the Light!
About this blog:
We Love Mass Meditation organize mass meditations aiming to help to achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.
Please join us in Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC and Emergency Meditation at 3 PM UTC every day if you feel so guided.
We also organize different mass meditations regularly for various purposes. They can be found in this link below:
We also provide emergency financial support to lightworkers around the world. Please feel free to make regular or one-off contribution using the link below:
Please assist/support us for a smooth transition in planetary liberation in the highest Light.
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