
Showing posts from February, 2020

Meditation for stopping the Coronavirus in Italy every 4 hours

UPDATE on June 24th: This meditation has finished. Thanks very much to everyone who have paricipated in this meditation. UPDATE on April 15th: Added a gif for helping with visualization of Violet flame around planet Earth. UPDATE on April 14th: A small change in step 5 of the meditation instructions, the word "plasma" is removed from the second part of the first sentence. Since the end of January, we have been doing meditation to stop the Coronavirus outbreak in China every 4 hours. As of the evening of Sunday, February 23rd, 11 Italian towns were on lockdown due to coronavirus as three deaths in the last 48 hours were attributed to the disease following a dramatic surge in cases.

Meditation to help bringing peace and necessities to refugees in Idlib, Syria

Update on February 28th: Post updated to reflect the latest development. Meditation instructions have also updated to include Russia. Military conflict between the Turkish and Syrian armies is still ongoing in Idlib in northwestern Syria. However, this conflict is now advancing into areas with the highest concentrations of people, with the vast majority of them women and children. This is becoming the biggest humanitarian crisis and the biggest refugee exodus since the start of conflicts in Syria in 2011. The number of people who have fled their homes in terror since 1 December 2019 is 700,000 and counting. International reports suggest up to one m...

Notes from Taipei Ascension Conference from November 30th to December 1st 2019

Below is a note being taken during The Taipei Ascension Conference which was held between November 30th and December 1st, 2019. The note was written by members of the We Love Mass Meditation Admin Team who attended the conference. Disclaimer: This note is a personal interpretation of what Cobra said at the conference, such interpretation may NOT correctly reflects what Cobra actually meant to said at the conference. Only 50% of the conference materials have been written down. Cobra has given approval for the following note to be published. This disclaimer MUST BE INCLUDED if you want to share this note on your blog, website or other platforms. Day 1 First part Planet Earth is a jail. 25,000-26,000 years ago, one precessional cycle ago, many huge sectors of the galaxy were liberated. Only a small section of Galaxy, comprising of less than 1,000 lightyears, remained in the grip of the dark forces. Most of them were gathered in this sector of the galaxy. There were...