
Showing posts from February, 2018

Breakthrough Meditation and Emergency Meditation as of March 12th, 2018

Important update August 20, 2018:  Breakthrough meditation is replaced by Key to Freedom Meditation at 3pm utc Emergency meditation takes place daily at 2pm utc As mentioned in the previous meditation update on February 17th, Aurora is a project that this blog has been working on. The main aim of this project is to reduce the number of daily meditations. By doing so, we can reach the critical mass with all of our meditations more easily and help the Light Forces to achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible. Clarification on March 1st: The main aim of this project is to design the meditation timetable that would best support the Light Forces as well as enable the Lightworkers to focus and contribute in the best possible way. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who is involved in the creation of these meditations, as well...

Goddess meditation 2:30pm everyday

UPDATE January 29th, 2020: This meditation is no longer active. This is replaced by Goddess Vortex Meditation.     Update Aug 15, 2018 : Goddess Meditation will take place: Daily at 2:30pm utc Cobra mentioned in the blog post on February 18th that for the planetary liberation it is very important that as many people as possible do the two Goddess meditations as often as possible, which are the Goddess Vortex meditation and Return of the Goddess meditation.   To support this initiative, we are going to organize a new daily mass meditation for a combination of these two meditations at 2:30 PM UTC every day, as well as after Weekly Ascension Meditation on Sunday at 4:30 PM UTC. However, please feel free to do these meditations as many times as possible, as suggested by Cobra. Due to this new...

Meditation update - Mexico earthquake & Project Aurora

Here are two new updates: Mexico earthquake There was a powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 in southern and central Mexico yesterday. There are currently  two confirmed casualties and a million homes and businesses are without power after a prolonged earthquake. Please add this to your focus on the Meditation for Natural and man-made Disasters if you feel so guided. Project Aurora We understand that the number of daily meditations have reached to the point that it is very difficult for everyone to participate in all of them on a single day. Currently there are 7 meditations in total from 12:30 pm UTC to 5 pm UTC on a normal weekday and Saturday, and there are 2 additional meditations on Sunday. Th...

Meditation Update

Here are a few updates on meditation: Tropical Cyclone Gita  Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Gita has developed in the southern hemisphere and has already caused significant damages at Tonga. It is currently at Fiji water and there is a possibility that it will make a landfall at New Zealand in the coming days. Please include this in the Natural and man-made disasters meditation at 4PM UTC on weekday and Saturday if you feel so guided. You can find the instructions for this meditation in the link below: And the guided audio for this meditation here:

Wandering Wolf

Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj is the Grand Elder of the living Maya. His Mayan name is Wakatel Utiw, which means “Wandering Wolf.” Wandering Wolf is also the leader and a key person in the Mayan culture and an Ambassador in the Guatemalan government who represents the rights and wishes of the indigenous pueblos and people. Unfortunately he was struck by a vehicle on the way home from a ceremony that he was leading in Guatemala on Wednesday and has sustained life threatening injuries. Emergency surgery was planned for a broken femur and hand today but, with his advanced age and weakened condition, his surgery is being suspended indefinitely due to the presence of symptomatic bradycardia as well as pneumonia.  Reports are his condition is critical. His was supposed to have an operation yesterday but there are complications with his heart. They are giving him stronger antibiotics now to improve his condition for possible surgery on ...

Earthquakes in Taiwan

Over the last few days, there were a significant number of moderate earthquakes around Taiwan, as well as a strong one with Magnitude 6.4 at the North East of Hualien. Therefore, please send your love and healing by including this in the Natural and man-made disasters meditation at 4 PM UTC on weekday & Saturday and at 4:30 PM UTC on Sunday. You can convert UTC time zone to your local time zone here: Here is the guided audio playlist in different languages: Below are the instructions for the meditation: 1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness. 2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the proces...

Meditation Update

First of all, thanks again to everyone who has participated in any of the meditations for Isis Astara over the past week. According to the latest update from Cobra, "She has successfully transitioned through plasma plane and is now with her spiritual guides, surrounded by Love, joyful that she is finally free." and it is very good to know that "After the Event, she will return in a cloned body that will look exactly the same as her physical body looked in this lifetime. She will be living in an area of Light, anchoring energies of the Goddess and living a joyful life in the Golden age she always wanted to live." Therefore, we are very happy to announce that the Meditation for Isis Astara every 4 hours has now ended as she is with her spiritual guides. However, the Alert meditation every 4 hours is still ongoing in order to support the operations of the Light Forces. You can find the details ...

Message to Isis Astara & Cobra

Thanks very much for everyone tireless efforts in all the meditations over the past week. The situation is still critical and we will keep eveyone posted as soon as we can stop doing any of the 4 hour intervals meditations In the mean time, we would like to ask everyone for any messages you want to let Isis Astara & Cobra know. We will collect all of these messages and send them to Cobra. Please feel free to leave your message in the comment section below. You can also send your message to us at For any messages not in English, we will select a few of them and translate them into English before sending them to Cobra.

URGENT! TIME SENSITIVE! Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals today, February 1st 2018 at 11pm UTC

The Light forces have requested to do the Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals today, February 1st 2018 at 11pm UTC to assist the Light forces and to help enforcing the Light of the Goddess on the surface of the planet. You are very welcomed to join if you feel so guided. Here is our facebook event: It would also be very helpful to do this meditation as many times as you feel guided within the next 12 hours. Instructions: 1. Visualize bright pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body into the heart of Gaia. Then visualize one other pillar of Light going upwards from the center of the Earth through your body, through all points of Light in our solar system and in our galaxy back to the Central Sun. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, Light flowing both upwards and dow...