Final update on the Super Blue Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Meditation at 1:11 PM UTC
With the black alert still ongoing and the departure of Isis Astara from the Physical planes, the Super Blue Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Meditation is going to be very interesting and can be an important step towards The Event. I absolutely understand that there are lots of reasons to be frustrated, but that will only play into the hands of the Cabal, who wants us to be fearful and remain in lower vibrations. Also, that will not be beneficial to humanity. After all, violence will lead to more violence, and will NOT bring us to the end of duality. Therefore, it has been communicated that during meditations, we need to focus our energy on support and making sure everyone is included . Especially the spiritual leaders of all the soul collectives present in the space we are working with, such as Moses, Jesus , Mohammed, a...