
Showing posts from December, 2019

Interview with Cobra and Benjamin Fulford for the Age of Aquarius Activation

We Love Mass Meditation had organized an interview with Cobra and Benjamin Fulford in order to raise the awareness of the Age of Aquarius Activation next month on January 12th at 6:11 AM UTC. In this interview, Ben and Cobra gave their views of the current financial system and the importance of this upcoming Age of Aquarius Activation. Here is the recording of the interview on our YouTube channel: Special thanks to the International Golden Age Group for their technical support on recording this interview. You can find out more about the Age of Aquarius Activation from this post: Or follow for updates on this. Below is the transcript of the interview: --- Beginning of transcript --- Hoshino: Hello everyone. Today is December 20th, 2019. My name is Hoshino. Next year is going to be very exciting as we enter the Age of Aquarius. We are going to have a ma...

Golden Age Meditation at the Annular Solar Eclipse on December 26th at 5:17 AM UTC

On Thursday, December 26th, there will be an Annular Solar Eclipse which can be visible from Saudi Arabia, Oman, southern India, and parts of Indonesia. At the same time, people can see a partial eclipse in most of Asia, parts of North/East Africa, and North/West Australia, This will also happen on the day of a new moon, at 4° Capricorn. The sun and moon will align with Jupiter during this solar eclipse. In terms of astrology, Jupiter is a planet that symbolizes growth and expansion. What this means for Lightworkers and Lightwarriors is the opportunity to expand our awareness and grow our spirituality. Indeed, we will be entering the Age of Aquarius in a year's time. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to grow and expand so that we can be ready for this new Golden Age, First Contact and Ascension. The exact time of the maximum of this solar eclipse is on Thursday, December 26th at 5:17 AM UTC. We will do th...

December Solstice Meditation 2019

We are approaching the December solstice, which will occur on Sunday, December 22nd at 4:19 AM UTC. On this day on the Northern hemisphere, the Sun reaches its lowest position in the sky, thus making it the shortest day of the year and also marking the beginning of winter. On the Southern hemisphere, the Sun will reach its highest position in the sky, thus making it the longest day of the year and also marking the beginning of summer. As we have been told by Cobra, the Ascension window for planet Earth has opened on May 25th, 1975. It will then close on July 7th, 2025.  It is always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly and the dark forces on the surface of this planet and to trigger the Event within this time window, and that plan did not change.