
Showing posts from May, 2019

Buddhic Columns Meditations Update

Here is an update on the two Buddhic Column Meditations that we are currently doing every day. Buddhic Column Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC  Since October 2018, we have been doing a daily meditation to maintain the Buddhic Columns at various locations, as requested by the Light Forces via Cobra. According to the latest situation update, at the moment of the last Archon invasion in January 1996, the dark forces have created three main dark wormhole entry points to collapse the planetary Light grid. These three dark wormhole entry points were: Bukavu, Lake Kivu, Congo Ljubljana, Slovenia Santa Monica, California , USA Since Ljubljana has already been included in the list of location, we will also include the other two locations of dark wormhole entry points in the daily Buddhic Column Meditation. By creating a Buddhic C...

Reminder of the Full Moon Meditations and Monthly Remote Healing Sessions

Here is a reminder for this week's Full Moon meditations and r emote healing sessions with Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays. Monthly Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays Remote Healing You may participate in May's monthly Remote Healing Session with Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays provided by International Golden Age Group and Prepare For Change Japan. This remote healing can help people around the world to heal their inner being and mind. This is a gift to everyone and is free of charge. For this month, the two remote healing sessions will be held at the time listed below: First Day: Saturday, May 18th from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC Second Day: Sunday, May 19th from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC You can find the time for this healing session for each day in your time zone here: The First Day:

New Daily Emergency Meditation Focus: Protection for insider Daniel

"Montauk Daniel", one of David Wilcock's super-insiders has been diagnosed with cancer. He tried to apply alternative treatment for a month. Unfortunately, the treatment didn't achieve the desired result and his life is currently at risk.  Daniel is going to have surgery at Huntsman Cancer Institute on Tuesday, May 7th. We suggest including him in the Emergency Meditation daily at 2PM UTC. Visualize Daniel getting through the surgery successfully and being able to regain perfect health condition again. You can also visualize a violet flame on him if you wish. You can find the instructions of this meditation here: And here is the link to the guided audio: Victory of the Light! --------------------------------...

New daily Emergency Meditation focus: Cyclone Fani

India and Bangladesh are bracing for a significant tropical cyclone later this week, a storm which could be the strongest to strike the country's coastline in almost five years. At the time of writing this post, Tropical Cyclone Fani is located in the Bay of Bengal roughly 270 kilometers (170 miles)  off of the coast of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It has intensified significantly over the past couple of days and could strengthen further over the next 24-48 hours as it nears the coast. Fani is currently an Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm with winds equal to a Category 3 hurricane in the Atlantic or East Pacific oceans, with wind speeds up to 195 km/h. The Navy, units of the Air Force and The National Disaster Response Force are on standby. This is the first tropical cyclone of the year in the northern Indian Ocean. There is a possibility that more than 100 million people will be affected by Cyclone Fani.