Violet Flame Meditation for balancing the energy over the period of Beltaine
Beltane (or known as Lá Bealtaine in Irish) marks the beginning of summer which is the season of growth and life for crops, animals, and people. Fire Dance by Jula C R Gray It is also known as May Day, which arose from the Celtic holiday, Beltane, which was celebrated in ancient Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. This was one of four Gaelic seasonally-based festivals, which include Samhain, Imbolc, and Lughnasadh. Beltane, however, was one of the most important. Ancient Celts practised the law of Love and Light around the lighting of bonfires in the mountains on the eve of Beltaine. Druids would create Circles of dances where they would dance around campfires to anchor the light to purify all animals, lands and beings on the planet. “At Beltane, we open to the God and Goddess of Youth. However old we are, Spring makes us fee...