Daily Buddhic Column Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC - Please share far and wide

A Buddhic column is a permanent column of Buddhic fire, linked into the planetary network. It is a very useful technique to create a Light vortex in a location which assists the Light Forces to liberate this planet.



It can be built when a person is present at the location, or remotely when a group of people is doing it together.

It can also be made as large as is necessary to cover a specific location, even a whole city.

It is requested by the Light Forces via Cobra that Buddhic Columns be maintained daily at the following 13 locations:

North AmericaUSA / CALos Angeles
North AmericaUSA / CAMount Shasta
North AmericaUSA / DCWashington
North AmericaUSA / NYNew York

You can also maintain the Buddhic Columns at the following locations of Chimera base in the United States:
  • Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island
  • DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) in Virginia
  • Peterson Air Force Base at Colorado.
Or these three dark wormhole entry points:
  • Bukavu, Lake Kivu, Congo
  • Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Santa Monica, California, USA
Please feel free to meditate on any of the above locations you feel drawn to.

Therefore, we will do this meditation at 3:30 PM UTC. Please share this far and wide and invite spiritual groups to join us if you wish.

Here is the link of our facebook event (updated):

You may look at the satellite photo of your chosen location before the meditation, which can be found in the link below:


You may convert UTC to your local time zone using the link below:


Here is the link to the guided audio playlist (updated):


Here are the instructions for maintaining each Buddhic Column:

1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a state of relaxation. Take a deep breath of brilliant white light. Breathe out all that no longer serves you. Repeat this breathing for a few more times. Then say this mantra, or a similar one, silently or out loud if you feel guided:

"I Am the Soul
I Am Divine Light
I Am Divine Will
I Am Divine Love
I Am fixed design by me, the Soul"

2. Visualize your soul star chakra lighting up with brilliant white light. Visualize this light in the form of a vortex spiraling down clearing your energy field.

3. Visualize a 5-pointed star being placed high in the sky about 9 miles above the chosen location. See this star glistening high above the chosen location, shining brilliant white light.

4. Now visualize the White Fire of AN emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through all points of light within our solar system and through the 5-pointed star, through the chosen location and deep into the center of the Earth. Keep visualizing this pillar for a few minutes.

5. Visualize the tip of a brilliant vortex of white light spiraling down clockwise from the 5-pointed star, removing and transmuting all low vibrations, dark entities and dark energies and carrying them up to the 5-pointed star for transmutation. Visualize this vortex of spinning white light for a few minutes.

6. Visualize this Buddhic Column fully linked to all Buddhic Columns on the planet, to the planetary network of Light below, above and on the surface of the planet, and any point of Light as guided by the Ascended Beings, all connected together with this Buddhic Column at the 5 pointed star in the network of brilliant white light.

7. Now, in the name of Source, in the name of I AM Presence of eternal light, we declare and command that the Buddhic Column at the chosen location is now complete on all planes as guided by Source.

Suggested time of this meditation is 15 minutes for each location.

You may also follow the original instructions for setting up a Budhhic Column if you wish.

As mentioned above, you may meditate on any of the suggested locations. You may also meditate on different locations each day.

Victory of the Light!


  1. Brasil não existe?

    1. Instalamos uma em São Paulo! Estamos solicitando para incluírem nessa lista.

  2. Would you suggest doing this meditation at any place,quiet corner of coffee shop,bus stop,school,park,nature,and elsewhere.My question is can we do it anywhere and at that place will be created this vortex of light that will help to liberate the planet and can we do it at any time of the day and night (not just when the mass meditation is but anytime literally).

    Thanks in advance for the answer,I hope you will answer fast so I can start doing it.Please make guided version as soon as possible.

    1. Yes, you can set up a Buddhic Column at any place that you wish and at any time. You don't need to wait for the mass meditation to build one on your own.

      Here is the guided audio in English:

  3. 13.10.2018

    Dosažení vyšších cílů

    Lidé Země, jste vedeni k sobě samým, jste vedeni do nitra. Čas vás zastavuje, abyste byli schopni pozměnit své zažité sklony. Čas vám přináší otevření mnoha důležitých témat, aby byla zpracována a dokončena. Mnozí se oprošťujete od závislostí. Mnozí jste však stále zaměřeni na své materiální životy a nechcete toto uvolnit, držíte se a posilujete své strachy. Proto bude muset být do těchto neladících napojení zasaženo. Neboť duše již nechtějí stále dokola opakovat, duše jsou vzrušené z toho, že by mohly dosáhnout vyšších cílů. A k tomu vás také povedou, lidé Země. Pokud se nebudete chtít pustit, budete odtrženi. Pokud se uvolníte, bude vám pomáháno. Mnohé duše se stále ještě rozhodují, že opustí tuto realitu. Jsou velice frustrované a vyčerpané. Je zde velký tlak na vyléčení minulosti, k návratu k sobě samým, na cestu do nitra. Neboť pouze tak si můžete uvědomit, kudy vede cesta. Lidé Země, toto již není hra. Ze hry se stává vážná věc. Negativní strana hraje o každého a proto je zde snadná možnost přehoupnout se tam, odkud není cesty zpět. Je to velice tenká hranice a pak již stačí jen malý krok a budete ztraceni. Je čas, abyste pochopili, kdo jste a jaká je vaše vnitřní podstata, pouze tak budete chráněni a budete moci být také zachráněni. Všímejte si maličkostí, projevů a reakcí sebe samých na věci okolní, buďte bdělí. Mnozí jsou pod vlivem některých entit a riskují sami sebe, své životy a své duše, žijí extrémně. Pak ale také extrémně skončí v této realitě. Věnujte pozornost svým snům. Nyní více, nežli jindy dostáváte varování, odpovědi a také rady. I přesto, že sen může být pouze obyčejným a nezajímavým příběhem. I přesto je v něm schováno něco, co si zasluhuje pozornost. Věci skryté a tajné se začínají vynořovat na světlo. Uvědomte si, kam vás táhne vaše vnitřní naladění a následujte tento hlas. I přes to, že mnohdy toto logicky nechápete. Je čas velice silných emocí. Proto se snažte chápat ostatní a reagujte teprve po nějaké době, nebuďte zbrklí. Zabráníte tím zbytečným hádkám. Je to boj o energii. Lidé Země, věci se dějí a budou dít. A je pouze na vás, jak k tomuto budete přistupovat, jak nazírat a jak reagovat. Pobývejte v přírodě a učte se od ní. Propojujte se s matkou Zemí, choďte bosí a dívejte se do Slunce. Čas se chýlí a otevírá se vám rajská zahrada. Ale také jáma lvová. Máte na výběr. A vy přesně víte, co máte dělat. Milujeme vás a žehnáme vám na vaší cestě.


  4. I want to recommend these ways of online earning money because I am aware of the financial problems of many lightworkers so maybe this piece of information might help someone to earn more money and be more active in lightwork.

    You can earn money by doing transcription,basically you get an audio file and you have to type down the words,transcribe the text to be precise.Here are some of the corporations for which you can do this type of work.


    You can also to some small jobs like doing surveys or singing up into some pages and more ....

    https://www.mturk.com/ (only US and India)

    Or you can do surveys here (they don't have much job)

    Or you can teach people English via internet

    I hope that this is helpful and I want to stress out that I am writing this because of moral principles and commiseration with those in need,my intention is not advertising these pages.if you have any questions,feel free to send an email at boris.bavarcic@gmail.com

  5. le lien audio ne fonctionne pas...

  6. Guided audio of Buddhic columns meditation in Spanish will be ready in the next few days

  7. I have a cristal tibetan thachyon and iniciate the bhudhic colun meditation Daily, It is an Activate of colun in Mu country Brazil?

  8. also wondering about why in your meditation here, the direction of the vortex, looking from above is clockwise, the opposite as stated in the soul1.org web site:

    " The Devas are very familiar with this thought-form and will automatically spin it in the right direction without guidance from you. However, the following information on the rotation of the vortex is provided for the curious. Viewed from above, looking down, the rotation in this case will be counter-clockwise. "

  9. Neo Yoda's group in Sao Paolo, Brazil, where Cobra is having the next Ascension Conference in less than a month, has just created a Buddhic Column. They would love us to help maintain it. If you so feel inclined, please do so whenever you have free time. thank you

  10. Please compare this Vortex to your Christmas tree.

  11. How about putting a buddhic column above this planet...

    1. I think that would be good, but that would disperse the energy a bit more and make it less potentialized over the core places that they are most needed.

      I believe this way helps it to focus the energy on the places that are mostly necessary.

      At least, from my understanding.

  12. Daily Horoscope
    LEO: You'll for the most part be our shimmering star, Leo. In any case, in 2019, you may need to contribute some vitality out of the spotlight.
    Everything considered, with a full scale lunar dominating in your sign close to the start of the year (January 21), you're releasing an old character and clearing a path for another—and that is positively an out of sight strategy. You'll require a great deal of assurance to help the advancement happening on a significant, subliminal level.

  13. Singapore City, Singapore, South East Asia, [Continent: Asia] can be added to the list. They are using the city as a beta test for the Covid Tracking App known as TraceTogether which will be used worldwide.

    It will be almost impossible to avoid this when working or buying outside of small shops and the vaccine passport required to travel overseas.

    I am not giving the MSM any hits so no links.

  14. A video with the Buddhic Column meditation for Prince Philip will soon be present here.
    I'm just now trying to find an email address of WeLoveMassMeditation team, so that I can send them this video, that I finished this afternoon. It's now 19:12 in Holland 🙋‍♀️

    1. Please email to welovemassmeditation@gmail.com

      Thanks very much for your help.

    2. I've done that on request already, and leave it in virtual spaces like here too 😉

  15. Desejo saber se a cidade de Brasilia, Brazil tem a coluna ativada


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