Flower of Life Meditation
The Flower of Life meditation was introduced at the beginning of August 2019 to help stabilize the situation of planetary liberation and to ensure that the process can be as smooth as possible. This meditation is reported as being effective.
As we are getting closer to the transition, Cobra relays that the Light
Forces are still asking everybody to meditate as often as they can and
as often as they feel guided, until the moment of the Compression
Breakthrough, to assist in stabilizing the energy grid around the planet
utilizing Flower of Life meditation:
Therefore, we are organizing a Flower of Life mass meditation every 4 hours, in addition to the current meditation at 12 PM UTC (noon). We also encourage everyone to do it as frequently as possible at any time throughout the day, until the Event.
Therefore, we are organizing a Flower of Life mass meditation every 4 hours, in addition to the current meditation at 12 PM UTC (noon). We also encourage everyone to do it as frequently as possible at any time throughout the day, until the Event.
Here are the times of the Flower of Life mass meditations in UTC time zone:
- 12 AM UTC (mid-night)
- 4 AM UTC
- 8 AM UTC
- 12 PM UTC (noon)
- 4 PM UTC
- 8 PM UTC.
Here is the link to the Facebook event for Flower of Life meditation every 4 hours (updated):
And the link to the guided audio in many languages. New guided audio for rainbow colored Flower of Life sphere visualization will be made available soon.
4. Visualize the rainbow colored Flower of Life sphere around the Earth, expanding below the surface and also expanding all the way up to the Moon's orbit. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere assisting the planetary liberation process, clearing all darkness from the surface of the planet. Then visualize the Flower of Life sphere and Violet Flame purifying the leylines and vortices within the planetary Light grid.
5. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere creating harmony, protection and peace for humanity and all other living beings, and especially those who are holding the Light for the planet.
6. Now, visualize the rainbow colored Flower of Life sphere encompassing the Earth and elevating the vibration of the entire planet. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere manifesting harmony and the most positive Ascension timeline for all living beings.
You may also say the following mantra silently or out loud at the end of the meditation if you feel guided:
"In the name of the honorable and powerful presence of I AM, I decree and command the process of planetary liberation continues in a positive, harmonious and peaceful way for the planet, all living beings and especially for those who are holding Light for the planet.
So be it, and so it is."
Instructions for the meditation:
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to stabilize the transition on Earth and manifest the most positive Ascension timeline for all living beings.
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to stabilize the transition on Earth and manifest the most positive Ascension timeline for all living beings.
3. Invoke the Violet Flame
from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you
during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does
not serve the Light.
4. Visualize the rainbow colored Flower of Life sphere around the Earth, expanding below the surface and also expanding all the way up to the Moon's orbit. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere assisting the planetary liberation process, clearing all darkness from the surface of the planet. Then visualize the Flower of Life sphere and Violet Flame purifying the leylines and vortices within the planetary Light grid.
5. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere creating harmony, protection and peace for humanity and all other living beings, and especially those who are holding the Light for the planet.
6. Now, visualize the rainbow colored Flower of Life sphere encompassing the Earth and elevating the vibration of the entire planet. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere manifesting harmony and the most positive Ascension timeline for all living beings.
You may also say the following mantra silently or out loud at the end of the meditation if you feel guided:
"In the name of the honorable and powerful presence of I AM, I decree and command the process of planetary liberation continues in a positive, harmonious and peaceful way for the planet, all living beings and especially for those who are holding Light for the planet.
Here is a wallpaper with Gaia and Flower of Life Grid. Please feel free to use and share it
Victory of the Light!
About this blog:
Love Mass Meditation organizes Mass Meditations aiming to help achieve
planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.
Please join any of the meditations below if you feel so guided.
Urgent meditation for peace between Russia and Lithuania every 4 hours
Urgent meditation to stop the monkeypox outbreak every 4 hours
Daily meditation for healing the Los Angeles vortex at 7:45 PM UTC
Daily meditation for healing the Ljubljana vortex at 6:45 PM UTC
Urgent meditation for liberating all hostages from underground bases
Meditation for Taiwan every 4 hours
Meditation for Afghanistan every 4 hours
Flower of Life Meditation, 12 PM UTC and every 4 hours, also at any time and as often as possible
Meditation to counteract medical tyranny daily at 9:30 PM UTC
End of Coronavirus Meditation at 3 PM UTC and every 4 hours
Meditation to stop the Coronavirus outbreak globally every 4 hours
Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC
Goddess Vortex Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC
Cosmic Central Race Meditation at 3:15 PM UTC
Buddhic Columns Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC
We also organize different mass meditations regularly for various purposes. They can be found in this link below:
Donation to We Love Mass Meditation Fund
Love Mass Meditation Fund provides emergency financial support to
Lightworkers around the world. Please feel free to make a regular or
one-off contribution using the link below:
Please assist/support us for a smooth transition in planetary liberation in the highest Light.
We Love Mass Meditation Healing Group
are welcome to join our healing group to request healing from healers
around the world, we are also looking for qualified healers to join this
group to help people in need
Czech Republic
Osvobození se z obav
Lidé Země, máte pocit, ze vše je tak, jak má být? Svět se mění před očima, avšak ti, co nejsou připraveni, si odpírají ze změn potěšení. Mají spíše strach a obavy. A stále ještě mnozí nedokáží se svými strachy pracovat, nechávají se jimi ovládat. Toto by se mělo změnit, neboť vy jste pány svých životů. To je potřeba si stále opakovat. V tomto čase se zdá, že vše poklidně plyne. Změny, které probíhají, jsou však skryté, za scénou. Občas se nějaký střípek uvolní, avšak pokud neznáte celou skládanku, nedokážete si vše správně interpretovat. Je potřeba zasadit se o to, abyste dostávali plnohodnotné informace. Vaše společnost se musí změnit. Nespokojenost poroste, neboť zastaralá forma finančnictví a vlád je neudržitelná. Vy, jako jednotlivci si musíte udělat pořádek ve svých životech. Mnoho duší opět velmi rychle odejde ze životů. Budete mnohdy tak zaskočeni, že budete cítit, jakoby jste byli ve zpomaleném filmu. Přesto ale bude čas ubíhat rychlostí blesku. Časové propady budou stále viditelnější pro ty, kteří jsou schopni žít v přítomnosti a pozorovat. Dostanete mnoho odpovědí na své otázky, neboť se začnou uvolňovat zdroje, které dosud byly zapovězeny. Přesto je potřeba být na mnohé informace zralí, připravení. Pro některé to může být veliký šok, neboť dosud byli nevědomí a nevidoucí. Možná spíše nechtěli vidět, neboť tento pohled by rozbil všechny jejich iluze. Užívejte slunečních dnů. Délka slunečního svitu se bude snižovat, přesto se zvýší působení slunečních paprsků na lidská vědomí. Toto často způsobuje nekonečné emocionální přílivy a odlivy. Vězte lidé Země, že toho však je potřeba, neboť je zde stále ještě mnoho zátěže, kterou si sebou nesete a kterou je třeba uvolnit. Vaše fyzická těla musí být přeměněna, pokud se máte přizpůsobit vzrůstající frekvenci. Lidé Země, je čas zpytovat a opravdu již pustit to, co vám neslouží. Toto se zde stále opakuje, avšak stále se obáváte ztratit své domnělé jistoty. Pusťte se a odevzdejte se životu. Není nic, co byste ve své malosti mohli kontrolovat, neboť je zde vyšší vedení vašich duší. Sjednocování na všech úrovních probíhá den ode dne aktivněji. V zimním slunovratu si již mnozí budou jisti svou novou pozicí v dosud nejasných vztazích. Vztahy "za odměnu" budou navazovány s lehkostí a s pocity, že se vracíte domů. A právě tak poznáte, že váš protějšek je pro vás tím pravým. Přestože začátky mohou být komplikované. Osvobozením se ze svých obav pak probudíte zázraky. A toto platí nejen ve vztazích mezilidských, ale také ve vztahu se sebou samými. Buďte s láskou a věřte v sebe. Milujeme vás a žehnáme vám na vaší cestě.
Gracias gracias gracias
DeletePrimary Contracts Removal
ReplyDeleteIn the name of my soul,
in the name of the Light Forces,
I cancel and nullify all and any past agreements and contracts with the dark forces.
All dark contracts are now, regardless of their content, regardless of my subconscious programs,
and with my free will,
I now declare myself free from those contracts,
and from all influences of the dark forces.
And now I decree full conscious cooperation between me and the Light Forces.
I know decree and I command, that my life be guided in full alignment with the divine plan,
I decree miracles to be manifested in my life,
in a way that will manifest happiness for me and for everybody involved.
So be it and so it is.
Odstranění primárních smluv:
Ve jménu mé duše, ve jménu Světelných sil, anuluji a ruším všechny možné minulé smlouvy a dohody s temnými silami.
Všechny temné smlouvy jsou nyní, bez ohledu na jejich obsah, bez ohledu na mé podvědomé programy, a svobodnou vůli, zrušeny.
Nyní se prohlašuji osvobozen od těchto smluv a od všech vlivů temných sil.
A teď si vybírám úplnou vědomou spolupráci mezi mnou a světelnými silami.
Nyní prohlašuji a přikazuji, aby můj život byl veden v plném souladu s Božím plánem.
Přikazuji, aby se v mém životě projevovali zázraky takovým způsobem, který bude přinášet štěstí pro mne a všechny zúčastněné.
A tak to bude a tak to je.
Gracias gracias gracias
DeleteEliminando los Pactos primarios:
ReplyDeleteEn el nombre de mi alma, en el nombre de los Poderes de luz, anulo y cancelo todo posibles contratos y acuerdos pasados con fuerzas oscuras.
Todos los pactos oscuros son ahora, independientemente de su contenido, independientemente de mis programas subconscientes y el libre albedrío.
Ahora me declaro libre de estos convenios y de toda la influencia de las fuerzas oscuras.
Y ahora elijo una cooperación consciente total entre mí y las fuerzas de la luz.
Ahora declaro y ordeno que mi vida sea guiada de acuerdo con el plan de Dios.
Ordeno que mis milagros se manifiesten en mi vida de una manera que me traerá felicidad a mí y a todos los involucrados.
Y así será y así es.
Eliminando los Pactos primarios:
ReplyDeleteEn el nombre de mi alma, en el nombre de los Poderes de luz, anulo y cancelo todo posibles contratos y acuerdos pasados con fuerzas oscuras.
Todos los pactos oscuros son ahora, independientemente de su contenido, independientemente de mis programas subconscientes y el libre albedrío.
Ahora me declaro libre de estos convenios y de toda la influencia de las fuerzas oscuras.
Y ahora elijo una cooperación consciente total entre mí y las fuerzas de la luz.
Ahora declaro y ordeno que mi vida sea guiada de acuerdo con el plan de Dios.
Ordeno que mis milagros se manifiesten en mi vida de una manera que me traerá felicidad a mí y a todos los involucrados.
Y así será y así es.
Dear welovemassmeditations admin,
ReplyDeleteThank you for doing a beautiful job at posting all of the current "Liberation War" meditations.
Besides needing to thank you for your vital service, i also wanted to bring up 2 issues:
1. I live in the Central Time Zone of USA, And this past Sunday, it seemed the countdown timer for your weekly Key to Freedom med., was ahead of the converted UTC to Central time zone calculation. Could you look into this and see if this is the case. Thanks.
2. I know Gaia loves your Flower of Life Meditation that entails visualizing a golden flower of life enclosing sphere, plus vertical extension below Earth's surface and up to the Moon.
I am extremely privelaged to be an 'old son' of Gaia, and on mostly a continual basis, receive a tone from her or one of her liaisons, indicating how she is feeling : when the dark forces are doing bad deeds, the tone is loud and low pitched. This distreessing signal of hers usually, occurs sometime between 11pm - 5am Central time - yes, she wakes me up, and is hoping i get up and try to help her out with the flower of life meditation, and/or send in some white fire of AN. - it's a little bit of a battle, as, if i break up my 8hr sleep period, i have to nap a lot during the day! - im 60yrs old, my health isnt what it once was - luckily, im currently laid off, and dedicaring myself to doing about 5-6 of your daily meds.
Anyways, from 6am - 10pm, there must be a lot of light working/meditators sending out good energy, cuz she is rarely distressed during these hrs.
About 4months ago, while doing the flower of life meditation, all of a sudden, I was inside the enclosing sphere, at its center - with Mother Goddess Gaia! She seems to have popped me in! This is how i've done it from that day on. I believe she loves the company, and would love for her other children to also imagine themselves at her center, standing/sitting with her, while sending out good energy. My 3rd eye isnt very open, so i dont actually see her, but i imagine a beautuful Goddess Lady, or a pic of Earth from space, and she seems to understand. When i want to communicate w her, e.g. 'tell her i love her", i imagine a heart and a pic of her, within the flower of life sphere. She seems to understand. She"ll sometimes send me a dream, e.g. a person falling into an earthquake gap, when im ignoring her distressed signal - she's afraid of shuddering and causing a quake that would hurt/kill some humans.
Anyway, maybe you could add a suggestion to your meditators, to consider being inside and aside Gaia at her center, and imagining the flower of life sphere from her center. Im pretty sure Gaia, like any mother, would love the company.
Thank you very much,
Goddess Bless
Victory to the Light!
That's a beautiful idea. Thank you.
DeleteTo the editors or managers of this website – on your hourly timing schedule for the global meditation you don't add the date, and seeing that there are two meditations coming up requested by cobra it can get very confusing – one has to do a bit of research . Here is the paragraph of yours where it is omitted I believe. "Therefore, we encourage everyone to join the daily Flower of Life mass meditation at 12 PM UTC (noon), and also to do it as frequently as possible at any time throughout the day, until the Event."
ReplyDeleteI would like you to send me if you please just the backround sound as a MP3 format to make the meditation in Greek.
My email
Thanx ♥
GOSTARIA DE RECEBER A MEDITAÇÃO EM PORTUGUES.... MEU E-MAIL É anahermidamontes@g.mail.com.. gratidão infinita....
ReplyDeleteEU SOU
I am from India. We are not finding any time for India.
ReplyDeleteHi I am from ouIndia. If you follow the time as mentioned above we should be doing meditation excatly at 5:30 am/pm, 9:30 am/pm and 1:30 am as well as pm.
ReplyDeleteHi.l am Behin.from lran.l am a light worker too.
I have a important message for all.they told me..we must imagine flower of life with light light light....somebody imagine it like a metal or gold or anything....
Just imagine like a
kindness and strong light.
ReplyDeleteHi.l am Behin.from lran.l am a light worker too.
I have a important message for all.they told me..we must imagine flower of life with light light light....somebody imagine it like a metal or gold or anything....
Just imagine like a
kindness and strong light.
This is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI am the original artist that created the FOL earth graphics. I felt guided to create a new meditation video here:
*** Please receive my Gratitud for all this work we are doing together and for all inspiration in the form of comments and images which helps a lot to cultivate our ability of imagination. I would also want to share my feeling and feedback telling you that we have come a far way in gathering energies creating the foundation for the world we soo are longing for, even if we can still witness the difficulties in many levels and regiones throughout our planet. With all my respect for those who have chosen the life-contract to "materialize the suffering from the past"
ReplyDeleteIn Peace and Gratitude,
Here is the flower of life mission to put stickers of the flower of life in various locations worldwide https://armyofillumination.blogspot.com/2019/06/unity-through-grid-operation-take-back.html
ReplyDeletePink Version of FOL
Original content free to use on new videos
Thank you for all that you do🙏🏼
ReplyDeleteI believe a Correction on time for the upcoming October 9th mediation is necessary.
*Cobra's site says 13:09 UTC time (see quote below) whereas your site written above says 1:09 UTC.
*"...Mars Pluto square on October 9th at 13:09 UTC. The Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to join the Flower of Life meditation at those two moments, to minimize that violence and bring more peace into the situation:"
Just looking to eliminate confusion so that the maximum ppl may join in.
Victory to the Light❣
Please get a richer toned voice for meditation
ReplyDeleteSince 2 days I join in from Hamburg, Germany. I love to connect with you energetically!
ReplyDeleteFollowing from Chile.
ReplyDeleteThanks por this amazing page and great energy.
is it possible to download the rainbow folwer of life meditation
I would like to request the Korean audio of the rainbow colored Flower of Life sphere.
ReplyDelete⚠️Trieste is calling for worldwide meditation and prayer for Trieste and Italy today at 8 pm UTC.✨🧘♀️🧘♂️✨🙏🏻
ReplyDeleteFlower of Life - Meditation at the same time!👍🇮🇪✨
درود بر شما عزیزان اگر شرایطش رو دارید و میتونید رو من کار کنید ازتون ممنون میشم من گرفتار یک زندگی فقیرانه و ضعیف شدن تمام مدیتیشن ها رو انجام دادم و میخام واردمسیر فراوانی و ثروت و نور بشم لطفاً کمکم کنید