Timetable of upcoming implants clearing and group meditation sessions

According to Cobra, due to the huge success of the Age of Aquarius Final Activation on December 21st, the Light Forces have begun with the gradual clearing of the implants of the surface humanity.


And we can help them in this process with implant removal techniques mentioned here:


And here:


Now that the quantum superposition dark technologies are almost gone, the Tunnels of Set are almost gone also and implants are not quantumly entangled anymore. This makes spiritual growth easier and implant clearing easier, as when you now start clearing your implants you are not clearing all other implants in the planetary grid anymore.


Clearing your implants can help with your spiritual growth and your personal Ascension process.

Several group meditation sessions are being organized by different groups on YouTube and Telegram. Please feel free to join any of these sessions to connect with like-minded people and meditate together.

Below is a summary and timetable of upcoming implants clearing and group meditation sessions in different languages.

LanguagePeriodDateUTC TimeYoutube / Telegram channel
EnglishEvery month WednesdayTBC
8 pmSisterhood of the Rose
7 pm
Victory Of The Light
FrenchMonthlyApr 30
7 pmPrepare For Change Français officiel
GermanEvery other WednesdayTBC8 pmVictoryOfTheLight-German
HungarianEvery month WednesdayTBC
8 pmElsődleges Implantátumok oldása (Magyar)
SpanishEvery other SundayTBC8 pmFelipe Pinto
2 pmInternational Golden Age Group
12 pm働かなくてもいい社会

This table shows the times of the meditations for various time zones (updated):

Time zoneCityEnglish

FrequencyEvery month
Every other
HSTHonolulu09:00 am10:00 am04:00 am02:00 am
PDTLos Angeles12:00 pm01:00 pm07:00 am05:00 am
MDTDenver01:00 pm02:00 pm08:00 am06:00 am
CDTChicago02:00 pm03:00 pm09:00 am07:00 am
EDTNew York03:00 pm04:00 pm10:00 am08:00 am
BRTRio Janeiro04:00 pm05:00 pm11:00 am09:00 am
UTCReykjavik07:00 pm08:00 pm02:00 pm12:00 pm
BSTLondon08:00 pm09:00 pm03:00 pm01:00 pm
CESTParis09:00 pm10:00 pm04:00 pm02:00 pm
EESTCairo10:00 pm11:00 pm05:00 pm03:00 pm
MSKMoscow10:00 pm11:00 pm05:00 pm03:00 pm
ISTNew Delhi12:30 am01:30 am07:30 pm05:30 pm
CSTTaipei Beijing03:00 am04:00 am10:00 pm08:00 pm
JSTTokyo04:00 am05:00 am11:00 pm09:00 pm
AESTSydney05:00 am06:00 am12:00 am10:00 pm


Sisterhood of the Rose's implants clearing session (every four weeks on Wednesday at 8 PM UTC)
To help the Light Forces with this process, Sisterhood of the Rose is organizing group implants removal sessions on Wednesday at 8 PM UTC every four weeks.

The upcoming session will be held at the following time:
  • TBC

You can join this session using the links below:

This program updates the previous implant clearing sessions. It will begin with preparation and protection exercises, and then move into powerful meditations and discussions to assist healing, spiritual growth, and a higher vibrational life for ourselves, for humanity, and for the world. And in the second portion of the program, since Cobra indicated that it is still essential to continue the implant clearings, the program will facilitate previous and new implant clearing exercises as part of our healing, and then end the session with a collective healing process. 

Please allow yourself approximately 2 hours for this experience

Words from the organizer: "At this pivotal time on the planet, it is of the utmost importance that we heal ourselves to be free of limiting beliefs, sabotaging behaviors, and lower vibrational frequencies, thoughts, and emotions. Working together is very powerful, and the more people that attend, the more impactful it will be for all … so please spread the word!"

This session is conducted in English; however, translations of most exercises in Hungarian, Croatian, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Slovenian, Czech/Slovak, Polish, Romanian, and Persian are available to use during the session. 

You can also join this Telegram group for information about future implants clearing sessions:


More information about this session in Hungarian can be found in the link below:



World Spiritual Marathon by Victory Of The Light team
Victory Of The Light team is organizing World Spiritual Marathon session every month.
The upcoming session will be held at the following time:
  • TBC
You can join this session using the links below:
Each session will be conducted in English and will be about 3 hours.
More details about the World Spiritual Marathon can be found here:


This is the French version of the implants clearing session organized by a group of Lightworkers in France.

The upcoming sessions will be held at the following times: 

  • Tuesday, April 30th at  7:00 PM UTC (equals to 3 PM EDT in New York and 9 PM CEST in Paris)
Please go to these links to access the sessions when it goes live:
Or visit the "Prepare For Change Français officiel" youtube channel


Each session will be conducted in French and will be about 1 hour 30 minutes, and will include the following exercises:

You can join the following groups or pages on Telegram and Facebok for more information:

Libération planétaire et Ascension, where you can find interesting sub-groups including meditations, broadcasts, articles, voice chats/ vocal saloons.

Telegram: https://t.me/+mEqk0T08SehlMDE8

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/754968702923893

Official Prepare For Change group for France and French-speaking countries
"Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie" 


Official Facebook page of the French Prepare For Change website "Prepare For Change Francophone"


Official list of PREPARE FOR CHANGE groups in Europe linked to the network



German (every other Wednesday at 8 PM UTC)

This is the German version of the implants clearing session.

The upcoming sessions will be held at the following times: 

  • TBC

Please go to this link to access the sessions when it goes live:


Each session will be conducted in German and will be about 1 hour 30 minutes, and will include the following exercises:

You can also join the following Telegram group and chat for information about future implants clearing sessions:

Telegram group: https://t.me/crackthematrixdeutsch

Telegram chat: https://t.me/crackthematrixdeutschchat


Hungarian (anytime)

The Hungarian team has created a YouTube playlist that includes all the guided audio for clearing implants in Hungarian.


The guided audios include:

The total length of the playlist is about 1 hour 15 mins 

You can use this to clear your implants when the Sisterhood of the Rose's English implants clearing session is being held.

You can use also the playlist to clear your implants at any time.



This is the Spanish version of the implants clearing session.

The upcoming sessions will be held at the following times: 

  • TBC

Each session will be conducted in Spanish and will be about 1 hour 30 minutes, and will include the following exercises:

Please go to this link to access the sessions when it goes live:


The video for the previous session can be accessed here:


Chinese (every day at 2 PM UTC / 10 PM CST in Taipei)

Participants can perform the following implants triangulation exercises every day at 2 PM UTC (equals to 10 PM CST in Taipei)

  • I AM God; I AM not God
  • Sex is Love; Sex is not Love

Here is the link to the Youtube channel of the International Golden Age Group: 

More information about these exercises can be found here:


Japanese (Last Saturday of every month)

Prepare for Change Japan Official are going to organize group implants clearing sessions on the last Saturday of every month.

The upcoming sessions will be held at the following times:
  • TBC

The exercises are similar to those in the sessions by French and Hungarian groups.

More information can be found in the link below:



  1. Here are the links for the session on Wednesday, March 10th at 8 PM UTC.
    YouTube: https://youtu.be/IgtZtYfV1p8

    This links are not working.

  2. The link in the schedule is wrong and leads to the sisterhood of the rose page with youtube that did not host the implants clearing session at the 29th of december and did not host the session on the 12th of january either. That is why I missed this sessions two times.

    1. We had decided to cancel the sessions for christmas holidays. And 12th january the session happened in another youtube channel just once.


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