
Showing posts from August, 2020

Reminder of Full Moon Meditations and international remote healing sessions on September 1st and 2nd

Here is the reminder for the remote healing sessions and Full Moon meditations, including Peace Meditation for Syria, between September 1st and 2nd. Monthly International Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays Remote Healing Sessions Every Full Moon the International Golden Age Group and Prepare For Change Japan offer two sessions of remote healing that can help people around the world to heal their inner being and mind. This is a gift to everyone and is free of charge. For this month, the two international remote healing sessions will be held at the time listed below: First Day: Tuesday, September 1st from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC Second Day: Wednesday, September 2nd from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC You can find the time for this healing session for each day in your time zone here: The First Day:

Peace meditation for Berlin on August 29th

On Saturday, August 29th, a large peace and freedom demonstration is planned to take place in Berlin. The organizer expects about 17,000 people joining the demonstration. This would be another major demonstration in Berlin since the beginning of August when 20,000 people joined. However, the Berlin authorities have decided to ban this demonstration. They are concerned that the expected group of people joining this demonstration would violate the current infection protection laws. Nonetheless, many people still intend to go to Berlin and do a demonstration.  Although it is planned to be peaceful, there is a possibility that infiltrators may try to cause violence. Therefore, we are organizing a peace meditation for Berlin on August 29th to bring peace and healing to all the people involved in the demonstration so that it can be carried out peacefully in the best possible way. We will ...

Meditation for sending loving-kindness to animals daily at 7:30 PM UTC

As part of the evolution process, souls came to Earth here millions of years before human beings arrived here. Some of the animals are native to this planet and some of them such as dolphins and whales came from Sirius Star System to anchor a certain specific energy grid for this particular planetary transformation. For many millennia, human beings and animals have been living together in perfect harmony in this universe. However, since the fall of the Old Atlantis, most animals are being treated cruelly, some of them are abused and exploited. While some of them are being killed in horrible ways. For example, a large number of animals are being sacrificed in Eid al-Adha every year. And male chickens, ducklings and goslings have been killed as part of intensive animal farming industry in a process called chick culling, even a large number of the female ducks have...

Urgent! Peace Meditation for Lebanon every 4 hours

On August 4th, Beirut, the capital and largest city of Lebanon, was hit by a massive explosion shortly after 6 pm local time. As of Friday, August 7th, the explosion has caused 5,000 people injuries and 154 casualties. While over 200,000 people are unable to return to their homes because of the explosion, which blew out doors and windows across the city and left many buildings uninhabitable. Then on August 8th, protests were held across Beirut. The protesters put blame on the government, citing little to no oversight or security measures taken with the highly explosive material stored at the Port of Beirut where the explosion occurred. Unfortunately, at least 238 people were injured and 63 of them hospitalized during the protest, and one...