
Showing posts from October, 2020

Reminder of Full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between October 30th and November 1st

Here is an update of the remote healing sessions and the reminder of the Full Moon meditations, including Peace Meditation for Syria, between October 30th and November 1st. Monthly International Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays Remote Healing Sessions Every Full Moon the International Golden Age Group and Prepare For Change Japan Official offer remote healing sessions that can help people around the world to heal their inner being and mind. This is a gift to everyone and is free of charge.   From the upcoming full moon onwards until the Event, there will be one remote healing session on each of the three days around the time of the full moon. These will take place on the 14th, 15th and 16th of each Lunar calendar month.   Below is the table showing the schedule of international remote healing sessions until the end of 2020.   For the upcoming full moon, the three internat...

Flower of Life Meditation on October 9th at 1:09 PM UTC

As suggested by Cobra, there were some drastic military escalations behind the scenes, and there is now a full scale war going on between the Galactic Confederation and the Draco fleet in sublunar space, and a full scale war between the Resistance Movement and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex in the underground bases. Nothing can be said at this time about the operations on the surface, as all is still classified. There are two peaks of this conflict, and the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to join the Flower of Life meditation at those two moments, to minimize that violence and bring more peace into the situation. The second one being Mars Pluto square on October 9th at 1:09 PM UTC. Below is the timetable which shows the times of this Flower of Life Meditation for selected time zones: Time Time zone City Friday October 9 03:09 ...