MAKE THIS VIRAL! Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals We meditate every Tuesday at 5.30 pm utc (updated) <3 This is to counteract the negative impact of the dark rituals performed by the Cabal, such as on Halloween tonight. Here is our facebook meditation event (updated): Here is our guided audio playlist (updated): Instructions: 1. Visualize bright pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body into the heart of Gaia. Then visualize one other pillar of Light going upwards from the center of the Earth through your body, through all points of Light in our solar system and in our galaxy back to the Central Sun. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, Light flowing both upwards and downwards. 2. Now visualize above your head, inside of that brilliant pillar of Light, Goddess in...