
Showing posts from November, 2018

Meditation for France daily at 8 PM UTC

Update:  Starting February 8 Meditation for France will take place on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. On November 17th, massive protests began across various locations in France as the government plans to continue increasing taxes on diesel and gasoline from January 2019. As most of the protesters are wearing yellow, high-visibility vests, these protests are given a name of Yellow vests movement. Since then, there have been protests across France everyday, especially over the weekend. Unfortunately, some of these protests have turned violent, especially those in Paris. There were also signs that this movement are spreading across Europe, with similar protests happened in Belgium and Spain over the last weekend. ...

Monthly Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays Remote Healing, Full Moon and Syria Peace Meditations for November

The monthly Remote Healing Session with Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays provided by International Golden Age Group and Prepare For Change Japan to help people around the world heal their inner being and mind will be held on Wednesday November 21st and Thursday November 22nd. This is a gift to everyone and is free of charge. There will be two remote healing sessions at the time listed below: First Day: Wednesday November 21st from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC Second Day: Thursday November 22nd from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC You can find the time for this healing session for each day in your time zone here: The First Day: The Second Day:

Urgent! Buddhic Column Meditation for California Wildfires daily at 4 PM UTC

The 2018 wildfire season in California has been one of the most destructive on record. During 2018, a total of 7,579 fires had burned an area of 1,667,855 acres (6,749.57 km2), the largest amount of burned acreage recorded in a California fire season, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the National Interagency Fire Center, as of November 11th. Firefighter Jose Corona sprays water as flames from the Camp Fire consume a home in Magalia, Calif., on Friday, Nov. 9, 2018. Source: As reported by CBS news, this is also the wildfire with the highest number of casualties in California history. The "Camp Fire" has now been blamed for 48 deaths as of Tuesday nigh...

Daily Emergency Meditation Update - California Wildfire

The Camp fire in northern California has become the most destructive wildfire in the state’s history, incinerating the town of Paradise and displacing more than 50,000 people, as other blazes continued to rage further south. It has been reported that at least 29 people have been killed in the Camp fire, making in one of the most deadly in California’s history. The California department of forestry and fire protection said on Monday the Camp fire had grown by three sq miles to 177 sq miles and was 25% contained. There seems to be evidence that the fire has been set off by the Cabal.  And it may not be coincidence that homes of Hollywood celebrities are affected by the fire.

Meditation for Putin-Trump Meeting in Paris on Sunday, November 11th 2018 at 12 PM UTC - Please share far and wide

On October 23rd, President Putin has suggested he could meet Donald Trump in Paris on November 11th at an event commemorating the end of the First World War.  There have been lots of speculation on whether they will meet each other on the day. Now it looks certain that a meeting with great importance will take place. As confirmed by Cobra in his latest situation update, certain backdoor negotiations about the future of the planet will happen during the meeting, with members of the surface Alliance and Resistance agents present. Also, a very important portal will open on November 11th with a lot of activity of the Pleiadian fleet. As request by t...