Update log 2024 (valid for the whole year)

Here is the list of updates made on this blog throughout 2024: 

December 30

Updated Facebook event: Peace meditation for Syria

December 28

Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Los Angeles vortex

December 27

New post: Urgent Financial Assistance for a Lightworker in Belarus

December 16

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for Peace in Syria every 4 hours

December 15

Updated Facebook event: Divine Intervention Meditation
December 13
Updated page: Meditations at 4-hour intervals
December 11
December 9

December 7

New post: Meditation for Peace in Syria every 4 hours

December 4

Reminder of full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between December 14th and 16th

December 3

Updated Facebook event: Goddess Vortex Meditation

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to Stabilize the Financial System
New post: Fundraising campaign for building a Goddess Temple in Haïti

December 1

Updated Facebook event: New Moon Peace Meditation

November 30

Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Ljubljana vortex

November 27

Updated Facebook event: Buddhic Columns Meditation
November 25
Updated post: Urgent meditation for peace in Middle East every 4 hours

November 22

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract medical tyranny

Updated Facebook event: Emergency Meditation
November 21
Updated post: Urgent meditation for sending healing and protection to Solara Anani

November 18

Updated Facebook event: Urgent meditation for peace between Russia and NATO every 4 hours 
November 17
Updated post: Urgent meditation for peace between Russia and NATO every 4 hours 

November 16

Updated Facebook event: Monthly Remote Healing of Ascended Masters and Stellar Rays

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons

November 15

Updated Facebook event: Full Moon Meditation
November 14
New post: Urgent meditation for sending healing and protection to Solara Anani

New post: Meditation for Pluto entering Aquarius on November 19th at 8:30 PM UTC

November 11

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract the 5G and scalar networks

November 6

Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Los Angeles vortex
New post: Meditation for healing the flood situation in Spain
November 4
Updated post: Urgent meditation for peace in Middle East every 4 hours

Updated post: Weekly Peace Meditation on Sunday at 2 PM UTC

Updated Facebook event: Urgent meditation for peace in Middle East every 4 hours

October 31

Updated Facebook event: Islands of Light Meditation

October 30

Updated Facebook event: Cosmic Central Race Meditation

October 27

Updated Facebook event: Weekly Peace Meditation
October 26
Updated post: Urgent meditation for peace between Iran and Israel every 4 hours

October 12

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to Stabilize the Financial System

Updated Facebook event: Goddess Vortex Meditation

October 9

Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Ljubljana vortex

October 6

Updated Facebook event: Buddhic Columns Meditation

Updated post: Weekly Peace Meditation on Sunday at 2 PM UTC
October 5
New post: Decree to release the fall of Atlantis
New post: The Emerald Heart of the Dragon

October 1

Updated Facebook event: Urgent meditation for peace between Israel and Lebanon every 4 hours

Updated Facebook event: Emergency Meditation

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract medical tyranny

Updated post: Urgent meditation for peace in Middle East every 4 hours
September 29
Updated post: Urgent meditation for peace between Israel and Lebanon every 4 hours
September 25

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons

September 20

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract the 5G and scalar networks
September 19
New post: Urgent meditation for peace between Israel and Lebanon every 4 hours

September 15

Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Los Angeles vortex
New post: Weekly Peace Meditation on Sunday at 2 PM UTC
September 14
New post: Urgent meditation for peace between Russia and NATO every 4 hours 

Updated post: 
Reminder of full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between August 17th and 19th 

September 9

Updated Facebook event: Islands of Light Meditation

September 8

Updated Facebook event: Cosmic Central Race Meditation
September 6
Reminder of full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between September 16th and 18th

August 21

Updated Facebook event: Goddess Vortex Meditation

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to Stabilize the Financial System

August 18

Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Ljubljana vortex

August 16

New post: Meditation for Disentangling from the Lurker

August 15

Updated Facebook event: Buddhic Columns Meditation

August 10

Updated Facebook event: Emergency Meditation

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract medical tyranny
August 8
New post: Reminder of full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between August 17th and 19th

August 4

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons
August 2
Updated post: Urgent meditation for peace between Israel, Lebanon and Iran every 4 hours
August 1
Updated post: Urgent meditation for peace between Israel, Lebanon and Iran every 4 hours
July 31
Updated post: Urgent meditation for peace between Israel, Lebanon and Iran every 4 hours

July 30

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract the 5G and scalar networks
July 28
New post: Urgent meditation for peace in Lebanon every 4 hours

July 25

Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Los Angeles vortex
July 22
New post: Fundraising campaign for the Activation of Andean Dragon Leyline

July 19

Updated Facebook event: Islands of Light Meditation

July 18

Updated Facebook event: Cosmic Central Race Meditation
New post: Tibetan Dragon Leyline Activation on Sunday, July 21st at 10:17 AM UTC 
July 14
New post: Urgent meditation for stabilizing the Light grid of China and planet Earth every 4 hours

July 11

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for healing the flood situation in Brazil

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for peace in New Caledonia
July 8
New post: Reminder of full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between July 19th and 21st
July 1
New post: Meditation to dissipate Hurricane Beryl

June 30

Updated Facebook event: Goddess Vortex Meditation

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to Stabilize the Financial System

June 27

Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Ljubljana vortex

June 24

Updated Facebook event: Buddhic Columns Meditation

June 22

Updated Facebook event: Urgent Peace Meditation for Haiti

June 19

Updated Facebook event: Emergency Meditation

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract medical tyranny

June 17

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for sending loving-kindness to animals

June 14 

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for healing the flood situations in Burundi, Indonesia, Russia and China

June 13

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons
June 10
New post: Reminder of full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between June 19th and 22nd

June 8

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract the 5G and scalar networks
June 4
New post: Urgent meditation for de-escalation between Russia, Ukraine and NATO every 4 hours

June 3

Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Los Angeles vortex
June 1
New post: Awakening of the Dragon

May 28

Updated Facebook event: Islands of Light Meditation

May 27

Updated Facebook event: Cosmic Central Race Meditation
May 26
New post: Urgent meditation for peace in Taiwan every 4 hours

May 21
New post: Return of the Pleiadians Meditation on May 25th
May 20
New post: Meditation for healing the flood situation in Brazil

May 19
New post: Meditation for peace in New Caledonia

May 11

New post: Reminder of full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between May 21st and 23rd

May 9

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to Stabilize the Financial System

Updated Facebook event: Goddess Vortex Meditation

May 6

Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Ljubljana vortex

May 3

Updated Facebook event: Buddhic Columns Meditation

May 1

Updated Facebook event: Urgent Peace Meditation for Haiti

April 28

Updated Facebook event: Emergency Meditation

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract medical tyranny

April 26

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for sending loving-kindness to animals
April 23
New post: Meditation for healing the flood situations in Burundi, Indonesia, Russia and China 

April 22

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons

April 17

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract the 5G and scalar networks

April 16

Updated Facebook event: Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals
April 14
New post: Reminder of full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between April 22nd and 24th

Updated Facebook event: Urgent meditation for peace between Iran and Israel every 4 hours

April 13

Updated post: Urgent meditation for peace between Iran and Israel every 4 hours

April 12

Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Los Angeles vortex

April 6

Updated Facebook event: Islands of Light Meditation

April 5

Updated Facebook event: Cosmic Central Race Meditation
New post: Urgent meditation for peace between Iran and Israel every 4 hours

April 3

New post: Meditation to heal the damage caused by the earthquake in Taiwan 

March 18

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to Stabilize the Financial System

Updated Facebook event: Goddess Vortex Meditation

March 15

Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Ljubljana vortex

New post: Reminder of full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between March 23rd and 25th

Updated post: Meditation for the United States Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th 2024 at 6:18 PM UTC 

March 12

Updated Facebook event: Buddhic Columns Meditation
March 11
New post: Urgent peace meditation for Haiti

March 7

Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract medical tyranny

Updated Facebook event: Emergency Meditation

March 5

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for sending loving-kindness to animals

March 1

Updated Facebook event: Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons

February 26

New post: Meditation for the United States Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th 2024 at 6:18 PM UTC

New post: TIME SENSITIVE! Meditation to Escort Jacob Rothschild into the Galactic Central Sun 

February 25
Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract the 5G and scalar networks

February 22

New post: Fundraising campaign for enhancing the Light grid along the Goddess Equator and the path of total solar eclipse in the US 

February 20
Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Los Angeles vortex

February 14
Updated Facebook event: Islands of Light Meditation

New post: Reminder of full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between February 23rd and 25th

February 13
Updated Facebook event: Cosmic Central Race Meditation

January 26
Updated Facebook event: Meditation to Stabilize the Financial System

Updated Facebook event: Goddess Vortex Meditation

January 23
Updated Facebook event: Daily meditation for healing the Ljubljana vortex

January 20
Updated Facebook event: Buddhic Columns Meditation
January 17
New post: Meditation for Pluto entering Aquarius on January 21st at 12:50 AM UTC

New post: Cobra Ascension Conference Coming to the United States!

January 15
Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract medical tyranny

Updated Facebook event: Emergency Meditation

January 13
Updated Facebook event: Meditation for sending loving-kindness to animals

January 12

New post: Reminder of full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between January 24th and 26th

January 9
Updated Facebook event: Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons

January 7
Updated Facebook event: Meditation to help the people in the Kherson region of Ukraine

January 4
Updated Facebook event: Meditation to counteract the 5G and scalar networks

New page: Pleiadian Protocols
