Meditation for Islands of Light Manifestation
Islands of Light are communities of our coming New Age and where group ascension process can take place. They are one of our keys to breaking free from the Matrix program and duality.
According to Cobra, even one Island of Light can change the planetary situation drastically.
Each Island of Light will be built based on sacred geometry and sacred science with an understanding of the Earth’s energy lines/leylines. They will be inhabited by members of the same Soul Family.
To help accelerate the process of manifestation of Islands of Light manifestation, we suggest doing the following meditation daily at 4:15 PM UTC. You may also do it at any other time, and with members of your soul family if you wish.
This meditation consists of two parts. The first part is the meditation which was given by Cobra in the Soul Family Workshop in March for manifesting twin soul, soul mates, and soul family into your life.
The second part of the meditation is about visualizing of Islands of Light being created on Earth successfully and then becoming entry points for the First Contact.
Here is the facebook event for this meditation (updated):
According to Cobra, even one Island of Light can change the planetary situation drastically.
Each Island of Light will be built based on sacred geometry and sacred science with an understanding of the Earth’s energy lines/leylines. They will be inhabited by members of the same Soul Family.
Once Soul Families start living in Islands of Light physically, these places will also become entry points of the First Contact and therefore place to get ready for cultural exchange with other Cosmic races and the Agartha Network.
To help accelerate the process of manifestation of Islands of Light manifestation, we suggest doing the following meditation daily at 4:15 PM UTC. You may also do it at any other time, and with members of your soul family if you wish.
This meditation consists of two parts. The first part is the meditation which was given by Cobra in the Soul Family Workshop in March for manifesting twin soul, soul mates, and soul family into your life.
The second part of the meditation is about visualizing of Islands of Light being created on Earth successfully and then becoming entry points for the First Contact.
Here is the facebook event for this meditation (updated):
Here is the shortlink for the youtube playlist of guided audios in various languages:
Here are the instructions:
1. Close your eyes. Watch your breath going in and out. Breathe in and out and relax. Breathe in brilliant white light. Breathe out brilliant white light. Breathe in and out as you are becoming light.
Then say this mantra, or a similar one, silently or out loud if you feel guided:
"I AM a being of light. I AM breathing as a being of light"
Continue to breathe in and breathe out as a being of light. Keep breathing like this throughout this meditation.
2. Now, start creating a toroidal field around your body. Visualize an energy field of the highest possible vibration you can imagine extending up to 1 meter out around your body in all directions. Keep visualizing this until it is very clear.
3. Then visualize the second energy field extending 1 meter further out from the first energy field around your body in all directions. Visualize this to be of very strong and very high vibration, just slightly lower than the first one. Keep visualizing this until it is very clear and strong.
4. Now visualize the third energy field extending 1 meter further out from the second energy field around your body in all directions. Visualize this to be of strong and high vibration, and slightly lower than the second one. Keep visualizing this until it is very clear and strong.
5. You are now surrounded by 3 fields of high energy. This is a toroidal field of your Light body. You can feel the Light body around you.
6. Visualize your Twin Soul in the first energy field. Then, visualize your Soul Mates in the second energy field. Then, visualize your Soul Brothers and Sisters of your soul family in the third energy field around you. Keep visualizing this until it is very clear, balanced and strong all around you.
7. Now say this mantra, or a similar one, silently or out loud if you feel guided:
“I forgive myself for I am not of this world. Islands of Light that we will create are not of this world. But they will be in this world to lift it to a point of Light.”
8. Visualize soul families on the surface of the planet forming strong connections. Visualize these soul families working towards the creation of Islands of Light within bubbles of heaven filled with Love, mutual understanding, harmony and joy.
9. Visualize all the Islands of Light projects being carried out smoothly and successfully throughout the planet, with the support of the Cosmic Central Race and the Light Forces above, below and on the surface of the planet.
10. Visualize soul families physically living together in harmony in their Islands of Light, and the Golden Age manifesting on planet Earth.
11. Visualize the First contact occurring in the Islands of Light, and humanity on Earth beginning to connect with Cosmic races and the Agartha Network.
Suggested time of this meditation is 20 minutes.
Victory of the Light!
Here are the instructions:
1. Close your eyes. Watch your breath going in and out. Breathe in and out and relax. Breathe in brilliant white light. Breathe out brilliant white light. Breathe in and out as you are becoming light.
Then say this mantra, or a similar one, silently or out loud if you feel guided:
"I AM a being of light. I AM breathing as a being of light"
Continue to breathe in and breathe out as a being of light. Keep breathing like this throughout this meditation.
2. Now, start creating a toroidal field around your body. Visualize an energy field of the highest possible vibration you can imagine extending up to 1 meter out around your body in all directions. Keep visualizing this until it is very clear.
3. Then visualize the second energy field extending 1 meter further out from the first energy field around your body in all directions. Visualize this to be of very strong and very high vibration, just slightly lower than the first one. Keep visualizing this until it is very clear and strong.
4. Now visualize the third energy field extending 1 meter further out from the second energy field around your body in all directions. Visualize this to be of strong and high vibration, and slightly lower than the second one. Keep visualizing this until it is very clear and strong.
5. You are now surrounded by 3 fields of high energy. This is a toroidal field of your Light body. You can feel the Light body around you.
6. Visualize your Twin Soul in the first energy field. Then, visualize your Soul Mates in the second energy field. Then, visualize your Soul Brothers and Sisters of your soul family in the third energy field around you. Keep visualizing this until it is very clear, balanced and strong all around you.
“I forgive myself for I am not of this world. Islands of Light that we will create are not of this world. But they will be in this world to lift it to a point of Light.”
8. Visualize soul families on the surface of the planet forming strong connections. Visualize these soul families working towards the creation of Islands of Light within bubbles of heaven filled with Love, mutual understanding, harmony and joy.
9. Visualize all the Islands of Light projects being carried out smoothly and successfully throughout the planet, with the support of the Cosmic Central Race and the Light Forces above, below and on the surface of the planet.
10. Visualize soul families physically living together in harmony in their Islands of Light, and the Golden Age manifesting on planet Earth.
11. Visualize the First contact occurring in the Islands of Light, and humanity on Earth beginning to connect with Cosmic races and the Agartha Network.
Suggested time of this meditation is 20 minutes.
Victory of the Light!
About this blog:
We Love Mass Meditation organizes Mass Meditations aiming to help achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.
Please join any of the daily meditations below if you feel so guided.
Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC:
Goddess Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC
Key to Freedom Meditation at 3 PM UTC:
Cosmic Central Race Meditation at 3:15 PM UTC:
Buddhic Columns Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC:
We also organize different mass meditations regularly for various purposes. They can be found in this link below:
We also provide emergency financial support to lightworkers around the world. Please feel free to make a regular or one-off contribution using the link below:
Please assist/support us for a smooth transition in planetary liberation in the highest Light.
ReplyDeleteNový svět
Lidé Země, otevřete své oči. Byli jste dlouho ovlivňováni, máte pocit, že jste zkoušeni ve všech oblastech vašich životů. Otevřete oči a rozhlédněte se kolem. Tak, jak vibračně rostete, mění se i svět kolem vás. A vaše vnímání světa určuje realitu, kterou prožíváte. Roli nehraje čas, ale především vaše napojení na božský záměr, na vaši duši. Tento čas přeje připraveným. Čekají vás lekce, které nelze nevidět, natož odmítat. Lekce, které si připravila vaše duše. Velmi důležité lekce pro vaše další směrování. Naučili jste se být poslušnými, teď se učíte být svobodnými a rozhodovat sami za sebe. Učíte se být jedním. Být spojení. Spojovat se uvnitř vás samých. Sjednocovat se, uvádět se do rovnováhy. Jste zkoušeni, zda již toto vše zvládnete. A pokud je zde síla ega, přichází další zkouška. Ne proto, abyste byli sraženi, ale proto, abyste si uvědomili, že ještě nejste připraveni. Máte v sobě mnohé rozpory, které však nakonec vedou k pochopení. Skrze temnotu naleznete světlo. Lidé Země, nebojte se svých stínů a vystupte na světlo. Ukažte svou jedinečnost. Toho se nemusíte bát. Ať si vás ostatní soudí, potom i oni budou souzeni. Vy a vaše duše rozhodujete o tom, co budete prožívat, jak budete vystupovat. Nenasazujte si masky, toto není potřeba, neboť tak potlačujete sami sebe, svou přirozenost. Pracujte na sobě a otevírejte svá srdce. Připravte se na další vlnu, která vás vynese velmi vysoko, pokud se na ni dokážete vyhoupnout. Ta vlna je před vámi. Ale předcházet jí budou mnohé procesy, které z vás uvolní další nánosy, zátěže, které by vás jinak mohly utopit. Vše je pro vaše dobro, i když toto ego posuzuje zcela jinak. Někdy jako ránu osudu, někdy však s uvědoměním si toho, co jste si nadrobili, to si také musíte sníst. Vaším životem prošly mnohé změny a proto je na místě být pyšní na to, co jste dokázali. A to vás posílí na vaší další cestě. Nepochybujte však o jejím smyslu. Neboť často vidíte celou cestu právě až na konci. Buďte pevní jako skála. Podpírejte se navzájem a sžívejte se s přírodou, neboť ta činí zázraky. Nezapomeňte, že jste ti, kteří utváří budoucnost pro své děti. Čistíte své rodové linie a tvoříte nový svět. A my jsme s vámi a žehnáme vám na vaší cestě. Milujeme vás.
Nice to see attention brought to this subject of Islands of Light. Cobra said at the Budapest conference that as of Jan 21 there is enough light on the planet for us to start changing the planet and manifesting a new reality... This of course refers to connecting with our true soul family and start . creating Islands of Light. Many of the mass meditation s seem to be focuse on clearing negativity of some sort and this meditation is for something wonderful and positive . Thanks for thinking of it, whoever did... ha
ReplyDeletePleiadian Broadcast June 2019
DeleteISLANDS and AREAS of LIGHT Development - The 'Sweet Dome Home'