Peace meditation for Berlin on August 29th

On Saturday, August 29th, a large peace and freedom demonstration is planned to take place in Berlin. The organizer expects about 17,000 people joining the demonstration.

This would be another major demonstration in Berlin since the beginning of August when 20,000 people joined.

However, the Berlin authorities have decided to ban this demonstration. They are concerned that the expected group of people joining this demonstration would violate the current infection protection laws.

Nonetheless, many people still intend to go to Berlin and do a demonstration. 

Although it is planned to be peaceful, there is a possibility that infiltrators may try to cause violence.

Therefore, we are organizing a peace meditation for Berlin on August 29th to bring peace and healing to all the people involved in the demonstration so that it can be carried out peacefully in the best possible way.

We will do doing this Peace meditation for Berlin at 9:11 AM UTC on August 29th. This equals to 11:11 AM CEST in Berlin. You can also do this meditation as often as you feel guided during the day.

This table shows the time of the main meditation for selected time zones:


Time zone


Friday August 28

11:11 pm



Saturday August 29

02:11 am


Los Angeles

03:11 am



04:11 am



05:11 am


New York

06:11 am


Rio de Janeiro

09:11 am



10:11 am



11:11 am



11:11 am



12:11 pm



04:11 pm



05:11 pm



06:11 pm



07:11 pm



09:11 pm



Here is the link to the Facebook event for this meditation:

Here is the link to the gudided audio playlist (English and German only at the moment) specifically for this meditation:

For other languages, you may use the guided audio playlist for Meditation for maintaining Peace in the USA. Please replace the words "the United States" with "Berlin" in Step 3, 5 and 6 of the meditation instructions.

Instructions of this meditation: (Suggested time for this meditation is 15 minutes)

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. Now invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

3. State your intent to bring peace and healing to Berlin.

4. Visualize a pillar of pink Light, emanating from the Galactic Central Sun and then descending down through your body and deep into the center of the Earth.

5. Visualize this Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly to everybody in Berlin, harmonizing everyone and bringing peace. Let the pink Light then flow onwards, healing all other conflicts worldwide.

6. Ask the Goddess presence (the divine feminine) to direct energies of peace and harmony to everyone in Berlin. Let these energies then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide. Allow these energies to continue to flow through your heart and then through your hands into this situation in Berlin for a few minutes.

It is also important to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as you wish over the next week, as well as visualize the Flower of Life grid encompassing the planet and helping to harmonize the situation. 

Visualizing planet Earth and especially the planetary surface completely immersed in pink Light is also helpful.

More details can be found here:

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be.

About this blog:

We Love Mass Meditation organizes Mass Meditations aiming to help achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.

Please join any of the daily meditations below if you feel so guided.

End of Coronavirus Meditation every 4 hours

Meditation to stop the Coronavirus outbreak globally every 4 hours

Flower of Life Meditation, 12 PM UTC and every 4 hours, also at any time and as often as possible

Peace Meditation for Lebanon every 4 hours 

Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC:

Goddess Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC

End of Coronavirus Meditation at 3 PM UTC:

Cosmic Central Race Meditation at 3:45 PM UTC:

We also organize different mass meditations regularly for various purposes. They can be found in this link below:

Donation to We Love Mass Meditation Fund

We Love Mass Meditation Fund provides emergency financial support to Lightworkers around the world. Please feel free to make a regular or one-off contribution using the link below:

Please assist/support us for a smooth transition in planetary liberation in the highest Light.

We Love Mass Meditation Healing Group
You are welcome to join our healing group to request healing from healers around the world, we are also looking for qualified healers to join this group to help people in need


  1. I have access to put all meditations on Spotify for free let me know if you are interested


  3. Thank you very much for the call for meditation.

    Just one thing: Almost a million people joined the last demonstration at the beginning of August, not just 20.000 ( this is a false number that is spread by the mainstream media to give the impression that the movement is only very small ... which it is not at all). I live near Berlin and know the numbers, a few tens of thousands are not enough to fill the street there, it takes several hundred thousand (and the street was definitely full that day).

    Love & Peace


    YouTube (
    WELT INTERVIEW: Corona demo ban overturned - First assessment by Rainer Wendt
    The Federal leader of the police union in the civil servants federation Rainer Wendt has the decision of the citizen of Berlin Administrative Court

  5. Thank you all for joining! From what I saw, this was E P I C ! So much love and light, it was overwhelming!


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