Techniques to counteract the energy of implants

In the past, we have mentioned two triangulation exercises to distort the implants in our body,

There are also two other techniques that can counteract the energy of implants. They were introduced by Cobra at his conference. 

However, please note that the instructions below for using these techniques are not the exact words of Cobra. They only represent how the attendee of the conference remember and interpret them.


Crystal meditation technique

Since the implants constantly bring a flow of anomalous plasma into our energy field and affect our reality, the following short visualization can help to counteract this negative energy to keep our energy field clear.

Here is the Guided audio Youtube playlist short link for the Crystal meditation::

Instructions: (Suggested duration of this meditation is 5 minutes)

1. Visualize a double terminated, hexagonal crystal shape made of pure white Light surrounding you, with one termination at your Soul Star chakra, and the other termination at your Earth Star chakra, and with one hexagon around your heart chakra, and the other hexagon surrounding your root chakra.

2. Visualize spheres of sky blue Light at each of the 14 corners of the crystal shape.

3. Visualize 3 more spheres of sky blue light at each of the implants (one on the solar plexus, and two in the frontal lobe area).

You can use the picture below to help with the visualization.

You can also place cintamani stones at each of the implants while doing this to help strengthen the effect of this visualization.

Practicing this technique regularly can help to counteract the energy of the implants.


Pineal-pituitary energy field activation

The second technique can help activate the pineal-pituitary energy field.

Cobra spoke of the importance of the pineal-pituitary energy field, saying that its energy can cross the plasma membrane into higher planes, opening a connection between the higher planes and therefore the higher self, and the lower bodies including the physical body.

When the pineal-pituitary energy field is activated, this allows the higher self to access all your body systems, such as the immune system, nervous system, etc, to heal and harmonize them. 

Connection with the higher self also helps with everything, activates higher abilities, gives more strength/peace/love, protects and harmonizes your reality, etc. 

The dark forces use various things to close the connection with the higher self, so it is good to take steps to reopen it.

This technique can help to progressively open the pineal-pituitary energy field when practiced regularly. 

Here is the Guided audio Youtube playlist short link for the Pineal-pituitary energy field activation:

Instructions: (Suggested duration of this meditation is 8 minutes)

1. Visualize three beams of sky blue Light crossing your head, going through the center of your brain where the pineal-pituitary energy field is, one beam going between front and back through your Third Eye chakra, one beam going up and down through your crown chakra (coming out under your mouth near the throat chakra), one beam going left and right above the ears.

2. Place 2 fingers at both entry points of the beam of (sky) blue Light on your head, doing one beam after the other successively. In other words, place 2 fingers on both sides of your head above the ears for some time, then place the fingers on your head at the front and back of the Third Eye chakra for some time, then place the fingers on your head, one hand at the crown chakra and one hand under your mouth near the throat chakra for some time.

While you do this, keep visualizing the 3 beams of blue Light, and sing repeatedly the mantra yoooaaa. Do all this repeatedly for a few minutes.

3. Keep doing all the above, while also visualizing a sphere of brilliant white-purple Light at the center of your brain where the pineal-pituitary energy field is.

You can also participate in regular implants removal sessions to help with your spiritual growth and your personal Ascension process.

Or do various meditations suggested by this blog with other people together on Discord:

As well as doing live meditations together with the others throughout the day on this Telegram Channel:

Victory of the Light!

About this blog:

We Love Mass Meditation organizes Mass Meditations aiming to help achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.
Please join any of the meditations below if you feel so guided.
Daily meditation for healing the Los Angeles vortex at 7:45 PM UTC
Daily meditation for healing the Ljubljana vortex at 6:45 PM UTC

Urgent meditation for liberating all hostages from underground bases
Meditation for Taiwan every 4 hours

Meditation for Afghanistan every 4 hours
Flower of Life Meditation, 12 PM UTC and every 4 hours, also at any time and as often as possible

End of Coronavirus Meditation at 3 PM UTC and every 4 hours

Meditation to stop the Coronavirus outbreak globally every 4 hours

Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC

Goddess Vortex Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC

Cosmic Central Race Meditation at 3:15 PM UTC

Buddhic Columns Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC

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You are welcome to join our healing group to request healing from healers around the world, we are also looking for qualified healers to join this group to help people in need




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