Meditation for the Turkish general election on June 23 at 4 PM UTC

Below is an initiative from Lightworkers in Turkey to do a mass meditation on June 23rd to ensure the election of the new parliament and president to be as peaceful as possible and that the free will of the Turkish people be respected.,_2018

Please join in if you feel so guided.

Here is our facebook event link:

You might also wish to join the live meditation at 10 pm UTC, streamed by the Ground Crew Command Radio:

Additional information can be found here:

Victory of the Light! 

UPDATE: You may also wants to visualize a Halafian pottery rotating above Turkey after the meditation for a few minutes.

Guided audio for this meditation in English can be found here:



The citizens of Turkey will be voting on June 24th, 2018 to select their new president and the parliament members. Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been in power in Turkey for the past 16 years.

As the Lightworkers in Turkey, we would like to ask you to join us in our meditation to manifest a future that will bring peace, love, harmony, truth, and justice to Turkey and to the whole world.

Our meditation will take place on June 23rd, 2018 at 4 PM UTC.

Please share this meditation with people everywhere and join us on Saturday so that we can bring the Goddess back to this ancient land.

Special thanks to our dear Lightworkers Ada and Summer, who provided the instructions for this meditation.


1. Bring yourself to a relaxed state by taking slow deep breaths for a few minutes.

2. Visualize a beam of Light now emanating from your Soul Star chakra (8 inches, 20 cm above your head).

3. Visualize yourself connecting to all people meditating and connecting to the Earth Light Grid with this Light emanating from your Soul Star chakra.

4. Visualize the people of Turkey having a peaceful election and using their free will to select the next parliament members and their new president. Visualize the election results reflecting the free wills of Turkish people. Visualize their new parliament and president bringing unity, peace, abundance, freedom, love, and harmony to the country.

5. Visualize this ancient land anchoring more Light and that the Goddess presence in Turkey increases.

6. Visualize the Goddess presence expanding and covering all of Mesopotamia - healing these lands - and then expanding even more and healing the whole world.

7. Visualize the Goddess presence anchoring itself permanently in this region.

Love and Light!
