Meditation Update
First of all, thanks very much to everyone who participated in the New Venus Day meditation at 2:16 PM UTC yesterday.
Here is an update on the following of topics:
As we approach the end of October, there will be more dark rituals performed by the Cabal, especially on the day before Halloween on October 30, Halloween on October 31, Samhain on November 1st and All Souls Day on November 2nd, which is also the Day of the Dead.
This is a period when lots of human and animal sacrifice would take place.
To counteract the negative impact of these dark ritual, we are going to hold a special daily Goddess Meditation against these dark rituals between October 30th and November 2nd at 1 PM UTC.
You can find the instructions of this meditation in the link below:
Guided audio for this meditation in different languages can be found here:
Here is the Facebook event for this meditation:
This is done by infusing dark energy via key vortices locations to the grid of planetary-wide energetic currents, which is called the ley lines.
By maintaining the Buddhic Columns at key locations, which is an initiative communicated from the Light Forces via Cobra, we can help purifying the energy circulating around the planet.
When there is enough Light in the grid, the effectiveness of the dark rituals can be reduced and nullified. It can also provide an optimal environment for the Light Forces to make progress towards the planetary liberation and final defeat of the Chimera group.
Therefore, please continue to do the Buddhic Columns Meditation daily at your preferred locations if you feel guided.
The following animation can help visualizing a Buddhic Column during the meditation. Special thanks to the group of Lightworkers from Asia for creating it.
You may also find it useful to do the protection technique specified here before or after the Buddhic Columns meditation.
Below are a number of situations to be added to this meditation:
Last Sunday, October 21st, a high-speed train derailed in the north-east of Taiwan at Yilan.
This is the worst rail accident in 27 years for Taiwan, in which at least 18 people have been killed and 187 people injured.
Please include this in the Emergency Meditation for the next few days if you feel guided, in order to provide energetic support to everyone suffered from this tragedy, as well as visualizing those who lost their lives to receive much-needed healing on the astral plane.
Protection for Lightworkers
As mentioned by Cobra in the Situation Update on October 13th, there are many people in the Lightworker and Lightwarrior communities that have a secret life as Cabal agents. However, they are being kept in the Cabal networks against their will, and would escape if they only could.
He suggested a meditation to "visualize all Lightwarriors and Lightworkers being purified with a Violet Flame, being surrounded by love of the pink Liquid Light of EELA (Sirian angel of Love) and being liberated from all programming, control or suppression with a White Fire of AN."
And we have included this in our New Venus Day Meditation.
After further consultation with Cobra, he suggests us to include this visualization in Emergency Meditation. Therefore, please feel free to include this protection during the meditation if you wish.
You can also continue to do this visualization in your own time as suggested by Cobra.
Super Typhoon Yutu
As reported before, Super Typhoon Yutu is the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane in the Atlantic or east Pacific basins.
It is now heading towards Philippines and Taiwan after causing significant damages to Northern Mariana Islands.
Super Typhoon Yutu is possibly one of the strongest typhoon and hurricane of the year, surpassing Super Tyhpoon Mangkhut which caused widespread damage to South China last month.
Therefore, please also continue to include Super Typhoon Yutu in Emergency Meditation as well as participating in the daily meditation at 4 PM UTC until it dissolves completely.
As a result, please be aware of how this may affect the time of meditation in your local area.
You can convert UTC time zone to your local time zone on a particular date using the link below:
Until then, you may want to have a read of this Mass Awakening book written by a fellow Lightworker, which documents how far we have been through this war towards the planetary liberation and how our light works such as mass meditation has made a difference.
Happy New Venus to everyone.
Victory of the Light!
Here is an update on the following of topics:
- Light Meditation at Halloween between October 30th and November 2nd at 1 PM UTC
- Importance of Buddhic Columns Meditation
- Update on Emergency Meditation
- Daylight saving time - be aware of change in meditation time in your area
- Mass Awakening book
Light Meditation at Halloween between October 30th and November 2nd at 1 PM UTC
- Update Oct 29: For better coordination we changed the time from 1:30 to 1 PM UTC -As we approach the end of October, there will be more dark rituals performed by the Cabal, especially on the day before Halloween on October 30, Halloween on October 31, Samhain on November 1st and All Souls Day on November 2nd, which is also the Day of the Dead.
This is a period when lots of human and animal sacrifice would take place.
To counteract the negative impact of these dark ritual, we are going to hold a special daily Goddess Meditation against these dark rituals between October 30th and November 2nd at 1 PM UTC.
You can find the instructions of this meditation in the link below:
Guided audio for this meditation in different languages can be found here:
Here is the Facebook event for this meditation:
Importance of Buddhic Columns Meditation
One of the reasons why the Cabal keep doing all sort of dark rituals is because they want to create an energetic situation for their own purposes and agendas, which can then be manifest in physical world, such as the enslavement of all surface population and delaying the planetary liberation from happening.This is done by infusing dark energy via key vortices locations to the grid of planetary-wide energetic currents, which is called the ley lines.
By maintaining the Buddhic Columns at key locations, which is an initiative communicated from the Light Forces via Cobra, we can help purifying the energy circulating around the planet.
When there is enough Light in the grid, the effectiveness of the dark rituals can be reduced and nullified. It can also provide an optimal environment for the Light Forces to make progress towards the planetary liberation and final defeat of the Chimera group.
Therefore, please continue to do the Buddhic Columns Meditation daily at your preferred locations if you feel guided.
The following animation can help visualizing a Buddhic Column during the meditation. Special thanks to the group of Lightworkers from Asia for creating it.
You may also find it useful to do the protection technique specified here before or after the Buddhic Columns meditation.
Update on Emergency Meditation
With our daily Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC, we aim to provide necessary healing to all critical situations on Earth and all inhabitants.
Below are a number of situations to be added to this meditation:
Taiwan high-speed rail derailment
Last Sunday, October 21st, a high-speed train derailed in the north-east of Taiwan at Yilan.
This is the worst rail accident in 27 years for Taiwan, in which at least 18 people have been killed and 187 people injured.
Please include this in the Emergency Meditation for the next few days if you feel guided, in order to provide energetic support to everyone suffered from this tragedy, as well as visualizing those who lost their lives to receive much-needed healing on the astral plane.
Protection for Lightworkers
As mentioned by Cobra in the Situation Update on October 13th, there are many people in the Lightworker and Lightwarrior communities that have a secret life as Cabal agents. However, they are being kept in the Cabal networks against their will, and would escape if they only could.
He suggested a meditation to "visualize all Lightwarriors and Lightworkers being purified with a Violet Flame, being surrounded by love of the pink Liquid Light of EELA (Sirian angel of Love) and being liberated from all programming, control or suppression with a White Fire of AN."
And we have included this in our New Venus Day Meditation.
After further consultation with Cobra, he suggests us to include this visualization in Emergency Meditation. Therefore, please feel free to include this protection during the meditation if you wish.
You can also continue to do this visualization in your own time as suggested by Cobra.
Super Typhoon Yutu
As reported before, Super Typhoon Yutu is the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane in the Atlantic or east Pacific basins.
It is now heading towards Philippines and Taiwan after causing significant damages to Northern Mariana Islands.
Super Typhoon Yutu is possibly one of the strongest typhoon and hurricane of the year, surpassing Super Tyhpoon Mangkhut which caused widespread damage to South China last month.
Therefore, please also continue to include Super Typhoon Yutu in Emergency Meditation as well as participating in the daily meditation at 4 PM UTC until it dissolves completely.
Daylight saving time - be aware of change in meditation time in your area
As the Northern Hemisphere is heading towards winter and Southern Hemisphere welcomes a warm Summer, there will be time change in a number of countries.As a result, please be aware of how this may affect the time of meditation in your local area.
You can convert UTC time zone to your local time zone on a particular date using the link below:
Mass Awakening book
There will be more special meditations announced on this blog as we approach the end of the year and December Solstice.Until then, you may want to have a read of this Mass Awakening book written by a fellow Lightworker, which documents how far we have been through this war towards the planetary liberation and how our light works such as mass meditation has made a difference.
Happy New Venus to everyone.
Victory of the Light!
About this blog:
We Love Mass Meditation organizes Mass Meditations aiming to help to achieve
the planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.
Please join our Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC, Key to Freedom Meditation at
3 PM UTC and Buddhic Columns Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC every day if you feel so guided.
Link to Emergency Meditation:
Link to Key to Freedom Meditation:
Link to Buddhic Columns Meditation:
We also organize different mass meditations regularly for various purposes.
They can be found in this link below:
We also provide emergency financial support to lightworkers around the world.
Please feel free to make regular or one-off contribution using the link below:
Please assist/support us for a smooth transition in planetary liberation in the
highest Light.
Regarding Halloween Light Meditation I would suggest everyone to contact as many people as possible and tell them about the meditation,I usually add people on facebook who are in 'spiritual groups' and I try to persuade them to join efforts with others towards the common goal.If someone wants to cooperate with me you can contact me here.I will share my data that I send to people and also tell about certain ways to earn money on internet that I found out about.
ReplyDeleteIf the lightworkers fail,the Earth will burn,so we should take this seriously.
Na tomto světě již končí období, které charakterizovalo nadvládu a manipulaci. Rozpouští se mnohé svazky, které k tomuto vedly. Vše to, co neslouží, bude omyto a spláchnuto vodou očištění. Blíží se doba rozpadu starých struktur, odkrytí všeho skrytého. Nejprve v životech jednotlivců, posléze ve světě jako takovém. Masové shluky lidí začnou ovlivňovat události a svět, nakonec se přidají i ti nejzarytější, aby byl změněn chod dějin. To, co se zdálo jako pohádka, bude prokázáno jako pravdivé. Ve všech životech se vše začíná převracet. Jistoty mizí a nastává bezvládí, místo, kde nic není jako dřív, není čeho se chytit. Do té doby, nežli bude ukotvena nová pozice, nový výchozí bod, nová realita. Nakonec budete nuceni prozřít. Pochopíte, že jste byli klamáni, ale toto pochopení může v mnohých vyvolat konflikt, který se bude muset projevit vně. Nyní však víte o tom, co může způsobit změny. Cítíte je v sobě. Cítíte se napjatí, vaše strachy se valí ven jako rozbouřená řeka. Teprve až utichne hukot mysli, nastane klid srdce. Teprve pak uvidíte pravdu. Ovšem pokud toužíte jí spatřit. Neboť mnozí se s pravdou nedokáží smířit a budou hledat nové únikové cesty, aby nalezli klid. Klid však není nikde kolem vás. Klid je stav vaší mysli a k tomuto jste vedeni. Nemůžete zbloudit, můžete však také kráčet několikrát stejným místem, pokaždé však uvidíte něco nového, co vás dokáže nasměrovat. Není konec. Toto je začátek. Začátek, který se egu může zdát koncem. Je to však začátek mnohých spojení, nejen duchovních, ale také fyzických. Nejen ve vztazích dvou lidí, dvou duší, ale také ve vztazích různých skupin s různými cíli, s různým posláním. Pro vás neprobuzené je to alarmující, pro vás probouzející se, je to svěží vítr do plachet. Každý z vás si musí zamést před vlastním prahem, aby byl schopný otevřít dveře novému a aby dokázal vykročit očištěný, bez zátěží, které tížily jeho duši. Probuzení je zde. Je to proces, který již začal. Již nemůžete uniknout. A také se nikam neschováte. Jste toho součástí. Mějte na paměti, že vše je již rozhodnuto a svět tak, jak jste ho znali, zmizí jako mávnutím proutku. Děkujte za příležitost být zde a ozdravit sami sebe. Buďte vděční a pokorní. Sami sebe zbytečně neoslabujte, neboť vaši sílu mnozí mohou zneužít. Nelitujte námahy a stůjte sami za sebou.