Meditation Update
Here is an update on the following topics:
And the Light Forces are asking people to visualize the Flower of Life grid encompassing the planet and helping to harmonize the situation.
It can also be seen in the message from GaiaPortal that humanity is on the verge of "major awakenings", which will lead to the full Ascension Event.
Therefore, we suggest doing the following meditation to help achieve these aims. You can do this meditation as often as you feel guided throughout the day.
Here are the instructions of the Flower of Life meditation:
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness
2. Visualize your soul star chakra lighting up with brilliant white light. Visualize this light in the form of a vortex spiraling down clearing your energy field.
3. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to stabilize the transition on Earth and manifest the most positive Ascension timeline for Humanity.
4. Visualize the golden Flower of Life sphere around the Earth. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere assisting the planetary liberation process, clearing all darkness from the surface of the planet. Then visualize the Flower of Life sphere purifying the leylines and vortices within the planetary Light grid.
5. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere creating harmony, protection and peace for humanity and especially those who are holding the Light for the planet.
6. Now, visualize the golden Flower of Life sphere encompassing the Earth and elevating the vibration of the entire planet. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere manifesting harmony and the most positive Ascension timeline for Humanity.
You may also say the following mantra silently or out loud at the end of the meditation if you feel guided:
Here is a wallpaper with Gaia and Flower of Life Grid. Please feel free to use and share it
In response to this request, you may do the Key to Freedom meditation, the Cosmic Central Race meditation and the Goddess meditation every 4 hours, or as often as you can over the next 2 weeks.
Here are the details of each of these meditations
Guided audios playlist:
And here is the Facebook event for Goddess Meditation every 4 hours (updated):
And here:
Guided audios playlist:
And here is the Facebook event for Key to Freedom Meditation every 4 hours
Guided audios playlist:
And here is the Facebook event for Cosmic Central Race Meditation every 4 hours (updated):
You can also participate in any of the meditations listed on this page as often as possible if you wish.
Please feel free to participate in this meditation if you wish.
Unfortunately, these wildfires have not been brought under control as the majority of the fires rage in remote or inaccessible areas.
Although there are no casualties from these wildfires, it is causing significant damages to the environment and our beautiful Gaia.
Also, the smog from the fires has reached populated areas in Russia, with two regions in Siberia declared state of emergency.
Currently, Hurricane Erick is not expected to make landfall at Hawaii. However, it is likely to strengthen during the next 48 hours. As a result, areas of Hawaii could see increased winds and heavy rain as the hurricane passes just south of Haiwaii on Thursday.
Therefore, we suggest adding both of these situations to our daily Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC,
Visualize the wildfires in Siberia to be under control and contained as soon as possible. And visualize Hurricane Erick being pacified and causing as little harm as possible as it approaches Hawaii Islands.
Here is the link to the Facebook event for this meditation:
And the link to the guided audio:
Victory of the Light!
- Flower of Life meditation
- Meditations every 4 hours
- Reminder of New Moon Peace meditation on August 1st at 2:45 PM UTC
- Lion's Gate Portal meditation on August 8th
- New Emergency Meditation Foci: Wildfires in Siberia & Hurricane Erick
Flower of Life meditation
As suggested by Cobra, the next two weeks will be crucial to determine how the process of planetary liberation will continue.And the Light Forces are asking people to visualize the Flower of Life grid encompassing the planet and helping to harmonize the situation.
It can also be seen in the message from GaiaPortal that humanity is on the verge of "major awakenings", which will lead to the full Ascension Event.
Therefore, we suggest doing the following meditation to help achieve these aims. You can do this meditation as often as you feel guided throughout the day.
Here are the instructions of the Flower of Life meditation:
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness
2. Visualize your soul star chakra lighting up with brilliant white light. Visualize this light in the form of a vortex spiraling down clearing your energy field.
3. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to stabilize the transition on Earth and manifest the most positive Ascension timeline for Humanity.
4. Visualize the golden Flower of Life sphere around the Earth. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere assisting the planetary liberation process, clearing all darkness from the surface of the planet. Then visualize the Flower of Life sphere purifying the leylines and vortices within the planetary Light grid.
5. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere creating harmony, protection and peace for humanity and especially those who are holding the Light for the planet.
6. Now, visualize the golden Flower of Life sphere encompassing the Earth and elevating the vibration of the entire planet. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere manifesting harmony and the most positive Ascension timeline for Humanity.
![]() |
Special thanks to International Golden Age Group for creating this gif |
You may also say the following mantra silently or out loud at the end of the meditation if you feel guided:
"In the name of honorable and powerful presence of I AM, I decree and command the process of planetary liberation continues in positive, harmonious and peaceful way for the planet, humanity and especially for those who are holding Light for the planet.Below is the link to the guided audio for this meditation:
So be it, and so it is."
Here is a wallpaper with Gaia and Flower of Life Grid. Please feel free to use and share it
Meditations every 4 hours
Cobra also mentioned that the Light Forces are asking everybody to meditate as often as they can and as often as they feel guided,In response to this request, you may do the Key to Freedom meditation, the Cosmic Central Race meditation and the Goddess meditation every 4 hours, or as often as you can over the next 2 weeks.
Here are the details of each of these meditations
Goddess Meditation
You may do the Goddess Meditation at the following time:- 2:30 AM UTC
- 6:30 AM UTC
- 10:30 AM UTC
- 2:30 PM UTC
- 6:30 PM UTC
- 10:30 PM UTC
Guided audios playlist:
And here is the Facebook event for Goddess Meditation every 4 hours (updated):
Key to Freedom Meditation
You may do the Key to Freedom Meditation at the following time:- 3:00 AM UTC
- 7:00 AM UTC
- 11:00 AM UTC
- 3:00 PM UTC
- 7:00 PM UTC
- 11:00 PM UTC
And here:
Guided audios playlist:
And here is the Facebook event for Key to Freedom Meditation every 4 hours
Cosmic Central Race Meditation
You may do the Cosmic Central Race Meditation at the following time:- 3:15 AM UTC
- 7:15 AM UTC
- 11:15 AM UTC
- 3:15 PM UTC
- 7:15 PM UTC
- 11:15 PM UTC
Guided audios playlist:
And here is the Facebook event for Cosmic Central Race Meditation every 4 hours (updated):
You can also participate in any of the meditations listed on this page as often as possible if you wish.
Reminder of New Moon Peace meditation on August 1st at 2:45 PM UTC
You may also want to do the New Moon Peace meditation on August 1st at 2:45 PM UTC. With this meditation, we aim to bring peace to all places on planet Earth.
Please feel free to participate in this meditation if you wish.
Lion's Gate Portal meditation on August 8th
On August 8th, there will be a Lion's Gate Portal opening. We will be doing a special meditation on the day. Details of this meditation will be published in a separate post.New Emergency Meditation Foci: Wildfires in Siberia & Hurricane Erick
Wildfires in Siberia
There is currently an unprecedented number of wildfires in Siberia, which have been ravaging the Arctic for weeks following the hottest June ever recorded on Earth.
Unfortunately, these wildfires have not been brought under control as the majority of the fires rage in remote or inaccessible areas.
Although there are no casualties from these wildfires, it is causing significant damages to the environment and our beautiful Gaia.
Also, the smog from the fires has reached populated areas in Russia, with two regions in Siberia declared state of emergency.
Hurricane Erick
Hurricane Erick is currently a Category 4 hurricane, with devastating winds topping 132 mph. It is expected to arrive in the Hawaiian Islands over the next couple of days, potentially producing dangerous surf conditions, mainly along east facing shores.
Currently, Hurricane Erick is not expected to make landfall at Hawaii. However, it is likely to strengthen during the next 48 hours. As a result, areas of Hawaii could see increased winds and heavy rain as the hurricane passes just south of Haiwaii on Thursday.
Therefore, we suggest adding both of these situations to our daily Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC,
Visualize the wildfires in Siberia to be under control and contained as soon as possible. And visualize Hurricane Erick being pacified and causing as little harm as possible as it approaches Hawaii Islands.
Here is the link to the Facebook event for this meditation:
And the link to the guided audio:
Victory of the Light!
About this blog:
We Love Mass Meditation organizes Mass Meditations aiming to help achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.
Please join any of the daily meditations below if you feel so guided.
Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC:
Goddess Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC
Key to Freedom Meditation at 3 PM UTC:
Cosmic Central Race Meditation at 3:15 PM UTC:
Buddhic Columns Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC:
We also organize different mass meditations regularly for various purposes. They can be found in this link below:
We also provide emergency financial support to lightworkers around the world. Please feel free to make a regular or one-off contribution using the link below:
Please assist/support us for a smooth transition in planetary liberation in the highest Light.
Thank you for posting.
ReplyDeleteThank you !
ReplyDeleteLáska přebírá kontrolu
Lidé Země, nekomplikujte si zbytečně své životy. Bráníte se mnohým věcem a zbytečně se obíráte o cennou energii. Ať se bráníte nebo ne, problém již byl otevřen a vy budete nuceni ho vyřešit. Postavte se čelem a netvořte sami sobě zbytečné překážky. Byly časy, kdy jste mohli odkládat. Ne však nyní. Nyní je čas splácet a narovnávat a zároveň růst a hledat nové cesty. Nové cesty se před vámi teprve tvarují, vidíte pouze začátek a to ještě mlhavě. Toto vše vás nutí se více spojovat se svou duší, sami se sebou. Jste vedeni se rozhodovat za sebe. Vyhrocují se vztahy, jak rodinné, tak přátelské, pracovní. Mnoho z vás odejde nebo bude odvedeno ze svých pozic. Jste vedeni tam, kde potřebujete být, abyste plnili svou misi v tomto životě. Nezůstane kámen na kameni. Ani nemůže. Je potřeba vše překopat, neboť nemůže být funkční to, co přežívalo tisíce let. Jste vedeni, abyste se zbavovali kontroly, ke svobodě. Jediná pravda je uvnitř vás. Čas vás míjí, jakoby jste stáli uprostřed a vše běželo kolem vás. Vy však se učíte být pozorovatelem ze středu svého bytí. A toto vás vede ke klidu mysli a klidu v srdci. Jste napojováni na stále silnější vibrační vlny, které ve vás omyjí vše, co je v danou chvíli potřeba. Bolestné procesy vás posilují. Příroda vám pomáhá. Máte svá oblíbená místa, naslouchejte si a snažte se tam být co nejvíce. Láska přebírá kontrolu, avšak mnozí ještě nepochopili, že jim klepe na jejich srdce. Brání se a odmítají, neboť ego si myslí, že budou omezováni, okradeni, že cosi ztratí. Zatím ještě nechápou, že jsou obdarováni obrovským darem. Avšak duše ví. Duše směřuje do lásky. A tak, ať se ego zuby nehty brání, nakonec bude přemoženo. A až se toto stane, jakoby jste se vrátili domů. Omládnete a ozdravíte sami sebe. Buďte připraveni na akci, mnohé bitvy budou brzy vyhrány, a i vy budete muset velkým tempem utíkat kupředu. Již nebude zbytí. Řítí se na vás velká síla, takový pohon, který rozpoutá bouře, rozmetá všechny představy, přestaví mnohé domy. A vy budete tohoto součástí. Těšte se na to, neboť to povede k vašemu osvobození. Milujeme vás a žehnáme vám na vaší cestě.
Gli Esseri dalla Testa a Triangolo d’Oro, via Galaxygirl, 27 luglio 2019
Sorry, this video was created by Archons (pre-Adamite, Black Nobility)
DeleteWhen is the time set for "Flower of Life" meditation?
ReplyDeleteI think is very good idea to perform this beautiful "Flower of Life Meditation" as it is suggested by Cobra & this blog : "You can do this meditation as often as you feel guided throughout the day. So, we can do it more times per day or when we have time & guidance ! Victory of the Light !!!
ReplyDeleteSorry, this video was created by Archons (pre-Adamite, Black Nobility)
ReplyDelete#10: Exclusive Never Before Revealed Info About The Moon W/ Corey Goode (1/2)
ReplyDeleteCorey Goode #11: Inner Earth Beings Guide To Ascension: Returning To Energetic Balance (2/2)
Ascension & End Times Prophecy - Corey Goode at Cosmic Waves - Part 1
Let's do this Flower of Life meditation in 4 hours interval , for example, at 2:45,6:45,10:45,14:45,18:45,22:45 UTC!
ReplyDeleteWhich time each of us will participate to do this meditation depends on each of us!
Of course we can do this anytime if we like!
Hi! I am part of the organisation of the event The Harmonic Convergence 2020, which is very much aligned with you! We’re starting a Global Event from the 5th to 14th July 2020 - and we would be delighted to join forces with your tribe! Here’s our website
ReplyDeleteCould you please write us back so we can properly invite you to join us?
Please send your invitation to