Goddess Vortex Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC every day

Goddess vortex is an ancient Atlantean meditation. It creates a vortex of energy which brings in and invokes Goddess energy towards the surface of the planet. It is an Angelic Presence that goes through our bodies and anchors into the physical plane. You will be able to feel that Goddess Vortex in your body.

This is one of the most powerful techniques to invoke the Goddess energy, and the ultimate technology of the Light forces which will finally dissolve the Matrix on the astral and etheric planes around our planet. 

Archons are allergic to Goddess energy. Every time any woman or man channels that Goddess Vortex, thousands of reptilians are removed forever.



Goddess Vortex is a rainbow spiral of energy which encompasses all possible combinations of Light. It is a presence of an angelic being which transmutes all darkness into pure Light through an eight-dimensional stargate of the Antarion Conversion. It is a vortex of the presence of One which absorbs all anomaly of duality and ascends it into the One through the process of micro-triangulation.

All Goddess Vortices create a network of Light on the etheric and astral planes which produces a morphogenetic field of Oneness that serves as an instrument of divine intervention on this planet. 

This network of Light will ultimately transmute all darkness on the astral and etheric plane and remove all negative entities until the last one is gone forever. Then, all non-physical planes around Earth will become realms of Light. This will set the right conditions for the Event.

We are going to organize a Goddess Vortex Meditation every day at 2:30 PM UTC. You are welcome to do this meditation more frequently as you are guided.

Here is the facebook event link for this meditation: 


Here is the new link to the guided audio video playlist for the Goddess Vortex Meditation:


Here are the instructions of the Goddess Vortex Meditation:

1. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise

2. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow colored stars scattered within that pillar of Light

3. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise

4. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa (eee is pronounced as e in "America" and NOT as e in "Venus", and a is pronounced as a in "America") so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet. Call upon the presence of your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, dolphins, twin souls, soul mates, soul families and other beings of Light.

5. Keep singing the mantra and rotating and stay in the presence of all those beings of Light for a while.

You can also do the following meditations to invoke the Goddess presence. They can be found in the following page:


Return of the Goddess Meditation:


Sexual Healing Meditation:


You may also do the Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals at 5:30 PM UTC on every Tuesday.


Goddess wants peace, and peace it shall be.

About this blog:

We Love Mass Meditation organizes Mass Meditations aiming to help achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.

Please join any of the daily meditations below if you feel so guided.
Ongoing Buddhic Column meditation for situation in Washington D.C

Flower of Life Meditation, 12 PM UTC and every 4 hours, also at any time and as often as possible

End of Coronavirus Meditation at 3 PM UTC and every 4 hours

Meditation to stop the Coronavirus outbreak globally every 4 hours

Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC:

Goddess Vortex Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC

Cosmic Central Race Meditation at 3:15 PM UTC:

Buddhic Columns Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC:

We also organize different mass meditations regularly for various purposes. They can be found in this link below:

Donation to We Love Mass Meditation Fund

We Love Mass Meditation Fund provides emergency financial support to Lightworkers around the world. Please feel free to make a regular or one-off contribution using the link below:

Please assist/support us for a smooth transition in planetary liberation in the highest Light.

We Love Mass Meditation Healing Group
You are welcome to join our healing group to request healing from healers around the world, we are also looking for qualified healers to join this group to help people in need



  1. Goddess Is Life Herself,
    Every time,
    Every place,
    Every way,
    All the time,
    If you, or I, have come to believe otherwise,
    We must have done it wrong...
    Just sayin'.


  3. All Cobra Intel on Sisterhood of the rose in 1 spot ,

    Victory of the light !


  4. Bonjour, Je vous mets une autre vidéo du "Vortex de la Déesse" en Français

  5. Lien vers une autre version en vidéo du "Vortex de la Déesse" https://youtu.be/oDC3bPeqdlI?si=6J1t_QPO8GwZFkRH


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