Return to the Light Meditation at 3:30 PM GMT everyday
As mentioned in the Situation Update written by Cobra on November 17th, many members of the mid-level management of the Cabal are already cooperating and are willing to testify against the Cabal in exchange for amnesty.
Cobra recommended the following meditation which can help to speed up this process:
1. Relax your body, emotions and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works for you
2. Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the Soul star chakra of all Cabal middlemen into their energy field and their personality, awakening them to the reality of Light, guiding them to step away from the Cabal, giving them power to set themselves free from darkness
3. Visualize all those Cabal middlemen joining the planetary network of Light, putting down their weapons of destruction and deceit, learning to cooperate and joining the human society in a constructive way.

In collaboration with Prepare for Change, we would suggest people to do this meditation collectively once a week at 3:30 PM GMT. You can also do it on your own in the morning after waking up or evening right before going to sleep if you wish.
As a matter of astrological importance over the next few weeks until the end of this year, we would also suggest people to do it daily at 3:30 PM GMT.
A Facebook event has already been created for this daily meditation.
You can convert GMT timezone into your local timezone using the link below:
Here is the Guided Audio for this Meditation, which is now available in 9 languages:
You can also download the English guided audio (in mp3) and video (in mp4) of this meditation from the links below:
Victory of the Light! Justice of Maat!
Cobra recommended the following meditation which can help to speed up this process:
1. Relax your body, emotions and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works for you
2. Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the Soul star chakra of all Cabal middlemen into their energy field and their personality, awakening them to the reality of Light, guiding them to step away from the Cabal, giving them power to set themselves free from darkness
3. Visualize all those Cabal middlemen joining the planetary network of Light, putting down their weapons of destruction and deceit, learning to cooperate and joining the human society in a constructive way.

In collaboration with Prepare for Change, we would suggest people to do this meditation collectively once a week at 3:30 PM GMT. You can also do it on your own in the morning after waking up or evening right before going to sleep if you wish.
As a matter of astrological importance over the next few weeks until the end of this year, we would also suggest people to do it daily at 3:30 PM GMT.
A Facebook event has already been created for this daily meditation.
You can convert GMT timezone into your local timezone using the link below:
Here is the Guided Audio for this Meditation, which is now available in 9 languages:
You can also download the English guided audio (in mp3) and video (in mp4) of this meditation from the links below:
Victory of the Light! Justice of Maat!
ReplyDeleteDaily Meditation for The Event
by Disclosure News | Aggiornato il 11 December, 2017 | The Event
ReplyDeleteDecember Solstice 2017 - English Guided Audio
SacredEarth Liberation
The December Solstice Meditation is on: Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 16:28 UTC.
So 11:28 AM in New York
5:28 PM in Central Europe
12:28 AM Taiwan
1:28 AM Japan
✦ Meditation Instructions:
Relax your body, emotions, and mind by focusing on your breath or in any other way that works for you.
State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to bring peace, justice, freedom, and abundance to Planet Earth and her inhabitants.
Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, through the Sun and the Moon and then through your Soul Star Chakra and through your body to the center of the Earth.
Now visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of Gaia up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our solar system and our galaxy.
You are now standing in two pillars of light. The light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of light active for a few minutes.
Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the I AM presence into the soul star chakra of every lightworker on Earth. Visualize the higher selves of the 144,000 activating as they awaken to their respective missions.
Visualize a vortex of brilliant white Light descending from the I AM presence into the soul star chakra of every human being on Earth and into their energy fields and personalities, awakening them to the reality of Light, giving them the power to finally set themselves free from darkness.
See this collective beam of light expanding itself into the Earth’s Light Grid, and connecting to the heart of Gaia.
See every living being on Earth connecting to their soul families and spiritual guides as this collective beam of light spreads out along the energy grid of the Earth.
See this Light continue to expand throughout the Earth and throughout the entire solar system, connecting to the soul star chakras of the Agarthans, the Ashtar Command, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Lyrans, the Galactic Confederation, and all beings of light who are guiding and supporting humanity through Earth’s Ascension.
See the Goddess energy spiraling down through all these layers of expanding Light, bringing peace, harmony, and liberation to Planet Earth.
Let's take advantage of the multidimensional portal surrounding the Winter Solstice time to help create the foundation for lasting positive change for our world.
ReplyDeleteWe will also be taking advantage of the pleiadian Command PB Stardust technology for healing, as well as the 0010110 decree for planetary acceleration, in a group effort and meditation.
Please join us DAILY if you feel interested, inspired and guided: | | |
ReplyDeleteReconnect with your Self when enduring strong winds of change; our recent experience
ReplyDelete* What on Earth happened to PFC on Discord?
Many people were wondering what happened to our Meditations on-the-go and Healings platform with a few hundred members.
Recently one of our valued in-real-life PFC group members with great potential, who graciously took the initiative to create a Discord server for us, had a change of heart and decided to take down the entire server, with many hours of work by our team lost in the process.
We quickly scurried to recreate the server from scratch, and updated all the referrer links, and were able to bounce back from this situation within a week in a somewhat operational state.
Right now we're truly back, on a much more solid ground, and in a fully operational state, with various new additions to boot!
We heartfully welcome you back on our new server, especially for those who felt a little lost in the last few weeks.
* How do we turn a disaster into a victory?
These setbacks in life can teach us to be stronger in ourselves and be closer connected with our Higher Self, to be more present and persistent in our ability to embody a loving, compassionate, empathic, merciful and forgiving energy and expression.
That is why we encourage everyone to use these setbacks and difficulties as opportunities to strengthen your own boundaries and to be creative in finding ways to work together with other Lightworker, Lightwarriors and spiritual groups who have the same goal in mind, embracing the element of unification.
And especially, to not focus so much on the small differences, and return the focus to the most important task and goal at hand, which is working together to make life more wonderful on Earth, both on the short-term as well as on the long-term.
Just like in meditation, we bring our attention back to our breath, and to the present moment, when we are distracted by thoughts, so that we train the mind to be more attuned to our natural state of being.
* What can you expect to find on our meditation platform?
We appropriately named our new server Prepared For The Change, as we are in the state of readiness for any big shifts to occur in our own lives as well as in the world at large, and feel fully confident to find the solutions needed to make life easier for everyone involved.
Most importantly, we continue to host our wide range of Daily Guided meditations, in line with the We Love Mass Meditation blog, as well as our Ubuntu Healing circle, which is focused on someone in need, including everyone in our group.
* Why on Earth are you guys still doing meditations? Isn't it time for action?
Alongside the various physical initiatives that are of course essential to manifest change in the world, we have found that it is quint-essential to keep building the energetic structure and foundation for positive and long-lasting change, first and foremost by us doing our "inner work", following our heart's calling, and further amplified by these wonderful global guided meditations that focus on what we want to see in the world at large.
* Let us create Portals of Unification!
What would the world be like if everyone would create unification initiatives?
I've taken the liberty to create a small webpage that links to all the primary mass meditation initiatives, not only for easy navigation and a clear overview, but to set the tone of unification and collaboration, and to create an energy of inspiration for everyone to hopefully include other like-minded and like-hearted initiatives into their own sharing space, blogs or works of art.
Doing so, not expecting or asking for any credit, profit or advertisement, but for the sheer beauty of sharing, and to further build the energy of Global collaboration and unification!
Let us pro-mote Unity! <3
Prepare For Change mass meditation initiatives portal