Worldwide Heart Meditation Day - Thursday, December 14 at 12:30 PM UTC

UPDATE: Violet Heart Meditation will be held at 12:30 PM UTC from August 24th, 2019

On next Thursday, December 14th, Achievers Dynamic Systems International (ADSI) and its allied organizations worldwide such as We Love Mass Meditation are going to hold a special Heart Meditation.

The purpose of this meditation is to speed up the ascension process through the Heart Radiation meditation techniques, and to generate a massive flow of positive energy to counteract the actions of the Cabal. With a massive amount of positive energy produced in the Hearts of Humanity, we can help to manifest full disclosure and The Event.

The meditation will be held at 8 PM PHT, which is equivalent to 12 PM GMT.

You can convert GMT timezone into your local timezone using the link below:

And join our Facebook event for this meditation:

Guided audio for this meditation in English is now available from the following video.

Here is the guided audio playlist short link (updated):

Below are the instructions for this meditation (of which the first 2 steps are just a suggestion from WLMM)

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to bring Peace, Healing and Prosperity in the World. Use this to create a massive amount of positive energy to clear the Etheric, the Physical and the Plasma Planes of all negative entities that are not at the highest good of all. Bring awareness of the Light into the hearts and minds of all cabal middlemen members.

3. Listen to the beatings of your heart. Imagine your heart to be like a glowing and radiating sun inside you, then feel your heart-sun to be the center of your being, then as the center of the universe. Now feel J-V-P-L-K. Do not think, feel each one [for 6 minutes]:

(J) — JOY: (6 minutes) Feel your heart-sun to be the embodiment of joy and bliss. Don’t merely think of joy or bliss; feel it as vividly as you can. If you feel the urge to smile, then smile. It may help you feel joy better. Feel each positive attribute as a bundle of energy emanating from your heart-sun. Let this energy radiate all over your body.

(V) — VITALITY: (6 minutes) Feel strength and vitality. Your heart-sun is awash with vim and vigor.  With every positive feeling you emote, visualize the light to glow more and more bright and intense.

(P) — PEACE: (6 minutes) Then, feel your heart-sun to be filled with goodness and peace. Everything is alright and in perfect harmony. There is peace in your heart-sun, and you are at peace with yourself, with the world and the entire universe.

(L) — LOVE: (6 minutes) Feel your heart-sun to be the embodiment of forgiveness, and that your heart-sun is overflowing with love and bliss. Be sincere in feeling these emotions.

(K) — KINDNESS: (6 minutes) Feel loving kindness and compassion. Feel as if you want to embrace the whole world and all creatures therein.

Relax and just be passive, forget your visualization. Do this for 5 minutes. Stop feeling and radiating JVPLK. Just be in the centre of your heart.

You can find more information about ADSI and this meditation in the link below:

Below are 2 flyers for promoting this meditation. Please feel free to share it as widely as possible.

Victory of the Light!
Disclaimer: Cobra is in no way associated with this meditation


  1. Can we have a mass meditation for the Solstice, please? :)

    1. There will be one, Grace. English version will be ready very soon, other languages soon.


      A multidimensional portal to the Galactic Center will open from December 17th to December 25th with the turning point on December 21st , that will drastically change the conditions of the plasma plane in most of the sublunar space. This portal is partially accurately described here:

      There is still now the need to put in place a daily meditation from December 17th to December 25th with the turning point on December 21st.

      Even will Cobra announce a particular one, it must be scheduled from now in order to be spread broad and wide in the mean time, and to gain the energetic momentum to reach the critical mass.

      Join also in this approach the Unknown Lightworker, who is planning one on December 21st:

    3. Here is the link to the guided English version of the Solstice Meditation:


    A multidimensional portal to the Galactic Center will open from December 17th to December 25th with the turning point on December 21st , that will drastically change the conditions of the plasma plane in most of the sublunar space. This portal is partially accurately described here:

    There is still now the need to put in place a daily meditation from December 17th to December 25th with the turning point on December 21st.

    Even will Cobra announce a particular one, it must be scheduled from now in order to be spread broad and wide in the mean time, and to gain the energetic momentum to reach the critical mass.

    Join also in this approach the Unknown Lightworker, who is planning one on December 21st:

  3. We are working on a daily meditation between December 17th to December 25th already.

  4. Grateful thanks, WLMM! Yes the daily one from 17-25 Dec is very good, too :) <3

  5. well done!
    keep creating light initiatives from your heart! <3


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