Here is a reminder of full Moon Meditations and the remote healing sessions between September 16th and 18th, as well as the Divine Intervention Meditation on Wednesday, September 18th at 2:34 AM UTC.
Monthly International Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays Remote Healing Sessions
Every full Moon, the International Golden Age Group and Prepare For Change Japan Official offer remote healing sessions that can help people around the world to heal their inner being and mind. This is a gift to everyone and is free of charge.
For the upcoming full Moon, three international remote healing sessions will be held at the times listed below:
First Day: Monday, September 16th from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC
Second Day: Tuesday, September 17th from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC
Third Day: Wednesday, September 18th from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC
At the aforementioned time, please go to the links above or visit their YouTube channel to access the remote healing.
Please feel free to attend any of these sessions.
Here is the Facebook event for these international remote healing sessions:
You can find out more about these sessions from the following video:
And from the following page by the International Golden Age Group:
Divine Intervention Meditation on Wednesday, September 18th at 2:34 AM UTC

Here is the link to the Facebook event for this meditation:
And the link to the guided audio in 34 languages:
You can download the guided audio in different languages from this page:
You can also join the English broadcast for this meditation:
are several posters for the upcoming Divine Intervention meditation.
Please feel free to share them far and wide so that many people will
join the meditation.
If you would like to create posters for future months of the full moon meditations, please feel free to share them with us at
Peace meditation for Syria at the exact moment of the new Moon
From 2022 onwards, we will be doing Peace meditation for Syria at the exact moment of the new Moon.
The next meditation is on Wednesday, October 2nd at 6:49
Instructions for the Peace meditation for Syria can be found here:
And here is the Facebook event for this meditation series in 2024:
table below shows the time of Peace meditation for Syria at the exact
moment of the new Moon and Divine Intervention Meditation at the exact
moment of the full Moon in 2024:
Daily Goddess Vortex Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC
Goddess Vortex is an ancient Atlantean meditation. It creates a vortex of energy that brings in and invokes Goddess energy towards the surface of the planet. It is an Angelic Presence that goes through our bodies and anchors into the physical plane.
All Goddess Vortices create a network of Light on the etheric and astral planes which produces a morphogenetic field of Oneness that serves as an instrument of Divine Intervention on this planet.
Please feel free to join the Goddess Vortex Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC every day. You can also do this meditation as frequently as you feel guided.
Instructions can be found here:
New Moon Peace Meditation on Wednesday, October 2nd at 2:45 PM UTC
The next New Moon Peace Meditation will be held on Wednesday, October 2nd at 2:45 PM UTC.
Here is the Facebook event for the New Moon Peace Meditation series in 2024:
Guided audio in 15 languages can be accessed here:
Weekly Peace Meditation on Sunday at 2 PM UTC
We are currently organizing a Weekly Peace Meditation every Sunday at 2 PM UTC. The up-to-date meditation instructions can be found here:
You can also do this meditation as frequently as possible.
Here is the link to the guided audio for this meditation in different languages:
Facebook event for the Weekly Peace Meditation:
Urgent meditation for peace between Israel, Lebanon and Iran every 4 hours
July 27th, escalations of violence occurred between Israel and Lebanon.
A refugee camp in the Gaza Strip was attacked by the Israeli Defence
Force, killing more than 30 women and children. Then, 11 children and
teens were killed in a football stadium in the Golan Heights.
Also, on July 31st, Israel assassinated Hamas political chief in Iran.
on August 2nd, Israel killed another high-ranking senior official of
Hezbollah. An air strike was used to attack the car that the official
was driving.
This could further push Hezbollah into serious retaliation.
are reports that Hezbollah has fired rockets on northern Israel
already, and more could come after the latest assassination.
the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to join the
meditation for peace between Lebanon, Iran and Israel every 4 hours and
visualize the situation being resolved peacefully as quickly as
Here is the link to the guided audio playlist for this meditation:
Urgent meditation for de-escalation between Russia, Ukraine and NATO every 4 hours
Recently, the situation between Russia, Ukraine, and NATO has deteriorated. This could potentially lead to World War 3.
Urgent meditation for peace in Taiwan every 4 hours
There is still a possibility that China could get into a military conflict with Taiwan in the future.
also publicly warned the United States to end all visits to Taiwan and
adhere to the One-China policy, or be ready to face the consequences.
we will continue to organize a meditation for peace in Taiwan every 4
hours, so that the potential military conflict between Taiwan and China
can be averted.
Here is the guided audio YouTube playlist:
Meditation to Stabilize the Financial System daily at 3 PM UTC
Light Forces are asking those who feel so guided to continue doing the
Meditation to Stabilize the Financial System daily at 3 PM UTC. The
purpose of this meditation is NOT to artificially maintain the old
financial system, but to bring Light into it to ensure that when the
meltdown occurs, it will be done in the most possible positive way and
that it will NOT be misused by the dark forces to implement CBDCs. The
crash of the old system WILL occur, and when it does, it has to be done
in the best way possible.
More information & instructions for this meditation can be found in the link below:
And the guided audio for this meditation in 18 languages can be found here:
Flower of Life Meditation
of Life meditation is also needed, to stabilize the planetary Light
grid, bring more Light to the planet and help purifying it from the
remaining anomaly:
Meditation to counteract the 5G and scalar networks daily at 3:15 PM UTC
operations of the Resistance to disarm scalar and directed energy
weapons, which are harassing far too many Lightworkers, will continue.
You can support their actions energetically by doing the following
mediation if you feel so guided:
Abundance Silver Coins - Flower of Life
photo above shows the Abundance Silver Flower of Life coins. Each of
them is hand-made of Sterling Silver (92.5% Silver and 7.5% Copper).
Silver and Copper are associated with Divine Feminine, strongly
anchoring Goddess energy and can be used for Saint Germain Abundance
According to the creator of these coins, they are made
with Love, respect and care, they are then placed on the Divine Feminine
Abundance Altar (South East) with the presence of Devi Lakshmi (Love
and Abundance Goddess), Devi Sarasvati (Wisdom and Spiritual Knowledge),
Sri Ganesha (removing obstacles) and Master Saint Germain, all
surrounded by various Goddess and Abundance Crystals and also Cintamani
All this amplifies, already potent energies of these
Silver coins, which allow Abundance of Spiritual and Material Wealth to
Freely Flow into one's Life.
Silver Abundance Coins have Flower of Life Sacred geometry form on both sides and stamp of Silver authenticity.
Each coin costs 43 euros + postage and packing.
Fundraising Campaigns to support Cintamani missions and to assist the Lightworkers in need
grid around the planet is one of the major tools for manifesting the
planetary Light grid. Whenever a Cintamani stone is planted in the soil
somewhere around the planet, a huge angelic being is anchored in that
spot, creating an energy vortex miles in diameter.
Burying any Cintamani stone is one of the most effective things that can be done for planetary liberation.
of dedicated Lightworkers would like to raise funds to enhance the
Light grid around the world. Here are the links to their fundraising
1. Help us anchor the grid of Light in Delhi, India (Tachyons)
2. Wisdom of the Azure
3. Help us enhance the San Francisco Bay Area grid of Light
Also, there are three active fundraising campaigns to assist the Lightworkers in need.
1. Fundraising campaign for a female Lightworker in China
2. Financial support for a Lightworker who needs urgent medical treatment
3. Help the Lightworker being affected by severe weather in Central Europe
Please contribute to any of these campaigns if you feel guided, or share them so that more people can help.
Appeal for donation to We Love Mass Meditation Fund
the past years, the We Love Mass Meditation Fund has helped many
Lightworkers around the world by providing emergency financial support.
to the recent increase in demand, we humbly seek generous contributions
from people who can make a one-time or regular donation.
Donation in any amount is appreciated and will be put to good use.
Victory of the Light!
About this blog:
Love Mass Meditation organizes Mass Meditations aiming to help achieve
planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.
Please join any of the meditations below if you feel so guided.
Urgent meditation for stabilizing the Light grid of China and planet Earth every 4 hours
Urgent meditation for de-escalation between Russia, Ukraine and NATO every 4 hours
Daily meditation for healing the Los Angeles vortex at 7:45 PM UTC
Daily meditation for healing the Ljubljana vortex at 6:45 PM UTC
Urgent meditation for liberating all hostages from underground bases
Urgent meditation for peace in Taiwan every 4 hours
Flower of Life Meditation, 12 PM UTC and every 4 hours, also at any time and as often as possible
Meditation to counteract medical tyranny daily at 9:30 PM UTC
Weekly Peace Meditation on Sunday at 2 PM UTC
Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC
Goddess Vortex Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC
Buddhic Columns Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC
Cosmic Central Race Meditation at 3:45 PM UTC
We also organize different mass meditations regularly for various purposes. They can be found in this link below:
Donation to We Love Mass Meditation Fund
Love Mass Meditation Fund provides emergency financial support to
Lightworkers around the world. Please feel free to make a regular or
one-off contribution using the link below:
Please assist/support us for a smooth transition in planetary liberation in the highest Light.
We Love Mass Meditation Healing Group
are welcome to join our healing group to request healing from healers
around the world, we are also looking for qualified healers to join this
group to help people in need