Urgent Financial Assistance for a Lightworker in Belarus

In 2023, we provided financial assistance to a Lightworker in Belarus who was in a very bad situation, in which we raised about $1,300.


Now, she desperately needs our urgent help again.

This Lightworker is living in a very poor condition. She does not have a bed to sleep on, and instead, she sleeps on bags. She does not even have a refrigerator in her apartment.

She has been spending all her money on taking care of her mother, and following the passing away of her mother last month, she needed to borrow money for the funeral. As a result, she couldn't afford to pay the utility bills and the rent of her apartment for a few months, which could result in her being evicted.

Her physical condition is not good either. She is completely deaf and can not walk very well.

Although she receives a state pension of $180, this is not enough for her. She needs to go through the trash to find clothing, shoes and other things to use.

Therefore, we would like to raise $6,000 to help improve her living conditions. The money would be used to purchase the following items:
  • $2,000 for a pair of hearing aids
  • $3,000 for an electric wheelchair
  • $1,000 for a bed and settling the debt of utility bills and funeral cost
Here is the link to the fundraising campaign:


If you feel guided, please contribute to this fundraising campaign. Any help would be appreciated.


About this blog:

We Love Mass Meditation organizes Mass Meditations aiming to help achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.
Please join any of the meditations below if you feel so guided.
Meditation for Peace in Syria every 4 hours

Urgent meditation for stabilizing the Light grid of China and planet Earth every 4 hours
Daily meditation for healing the Los Angeles vortex at 7:45 PM UTC
Daily meditation for healing the Ljubljana vortex at 6:45 PM UTC

Urgent meditation for liberating all hostages from underground bases
Urgent meditation for peace in Taiwan every 4 hours

Flower of Life Meditation, 12 PM UTC and every 4 hours, also at any time and as often as possible

Meditation to counteract medical tyranny daily at 9:30 PM UTC

Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC

Goddess Vortex Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC

Cosmic Central Race Meditation at 3:45 PM UTC

We also organize different mass meditations regularly for various purposes. They can be found in this link below:

Donation to We Love Mass Meditation Fund

We Love Mass Meditation Fund provides emergency financial support to Lightworkers around the world. Please feel free to make a regular or one-off contribution using the link below:

Please assist/support us for a smooth transition in planetary liberation in the highest Light.

We Love Mass Meditation Healing Group
You are welcome to join our healing group to request healing from healers around the world, we are also looking for qualified healers to join this group to help people in need
