Goddess meditation to neutralize dark rituals over the period of Halloween and Samhain

October is generally the month when the Cabal and dark forces would perform dark rituals. In particular, more of these dark rituals will be performed towards the end of the month during Halloween and Samhain.


These dark rituals would usually involve human and animal sacrifice.

For this year, the actual time of Samhain is NOT between October 31st and November 1st as widely circulated on the internet. This is due to distortion in the gregorian calendar.


By definition, the actual date of Samhain is the midpoint between September Equinox and December Solstice.  Given that the September Equinox for this year occurred on September 23rd and the December Solstice will be on December 22nd, there are about 90 days in between these points.

Therefore, the Samhain for 2019 should be 45 days after the September Equinox, which will be on November 7th.

Therefore, to counteract the negative impact of these dark rituals occurring during this Halloween and Samhain period, we are going to hold a special daily Goddess Meditation between October 30th and November 7th.

The time of this meditation will be at 1 PM UTC.

The following table shows the time of the meditation for selected time zones:

TimeTime zoneCity
03:00 amHSTHonolulu
06:00 amPDTLos Angeles
07:00 amMDTDenver
08:00 amCDTChicago
09:00 amEDTNew York
10:00 amBRTRio de Janeiro
01:00 pmUTCReykjavik
01:00 pmGMTLondon
02:00 pmCETBerlin
03:00 pmEETCairo
04:00 pmMSKMoscow
08:00 pmICTBangkok
09:00 pmCSTTaipei
10:00 pmJSTTokyo
12:00 amAEDTSydney
02:00 amNZDTAuckland

Here is an introduction to a number of Goddesses that you can call upon during this meditation:

The guided audio for this meditation in different languages can be found here:


Here is the link to the Facebook event for this meditation:



1. Visualize a bright pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body into the heart of Gaia. Then visualize another pillar of Light going upwards from the center of the Earth through your body, through all points of Light in our solar system and in our galaxy back to the Central Sun. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards.

2. Now visualize above your head, inside of that brilliant pillar of Light, a Goddess in a shape of beautiful woman embodying energies of divine feminine: unconditional love, compassion, acceptance, peace, harmony, grace, beauty and healing. Feel her energy.

3. Descend the Goddess into your body while singing the mantra OM. At the same time, you can do the mudra with your hands above your head, then descending them and laying them gently on your Heart. Feel the Goddess energy entering into your body and achoring into your Heart.

4. Call upon presence of the Goddess Dou Mu, presence of all ascended Goddesses like Isis, Maat, Hathor, Quan Yin, Mary Magdalene, White Tara,.. to help with nullifying all ongoing dark rituals on the planet and to restore divine Light and Justice.

5. Extend your hands in front of you and send the divine feminine energy through your hands towards all negative rituals neutralizing them, making them harmless and ineffective, losing all of their power. See all dark rituals fading away, dissolving in the Light and Love of the Goddess.

6. Now visualize the Galactic Central Sun pillar of Light expanding into the soul star chakras (situated 20cm above the head) of all beings involved in those rituals reconnecting them with the Source and inspiring them to desist from doing them. See them beginning working for the Light.

7. Thank all goddesses and all Light beings and feel gratitude for this being done.

Goddess wants peace and peace will be!


About this blog:

We Love Mass Meditation organizes Mass Meditations aiming to help achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.

Please join any of the daily meditations below if you feel so guided.

Flower of Life Meditation, 12 PM UTC and every 4 hours, also at any time and as often as possible


Emergency Meditation at 2 PM UTC:


Goddess Meditation at 2:30 PM UTC


Key to Freedom Meditation at 3 PM UTC:


Cosmic Central Race Meditation at 3:15 PM UTC:


Buddhic Columns Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC:


We also organize different mass meditations regularly for various purposes. They can be found in this link below:


We also provide emergency financial support to lightworkers around the world. Please feel free to make a regular or one-off contribution using the link below:


Please assist/support us for a smooth transition in planetary liberation in the highest Light.


  1. Join us here for this and all other meditations by WLMM :) <3

    Meditations ON-THE-GO Channel http://teasy.space/meditation

    (Disclaimer: If you dislike the name, or feel uncomfortable with the intro image, let it be a reminder that we are here to infuse all discord with light)




  3. 28.10.2019

    Čas odevzdání

    Otevřete svá srdce, lidé Země. Je to velmi potřeba. Čím více lásky vyzáříte, tím lepší budoucnost sami sobě připravíte. A měli byste vědět, že otevřením svých srdcí můžete zabránit mnohým ničivým událostem, můžete zachránit sami sebe. Tento čas nabízí nejen rychlé uzdravení, ale také rychlou zkázu tam, kde je zlo a nepochopení. Lidé Země, jste na cestě. A tato cesta byla vámi vytvořena. Nemůžete se vracet zpět. Mnohé události, které nyní probíhají, vám otevřou oči, ale také vás zbaví mnohých iluzí. S koncem roku budete mít pocit velké únavy, neboť prožijete mnohé rozchody a mnohá odloučení, která budou velice emotivní. A toto již probíhá. Odchází vše, co v této realitě již neplní svou funkci. Je čas odevzdání. Odevzdání všeho nepotřebného. Nejen v životech obecně, ale také v této zemi, na tomto světě. Zbavte se všeho, co vám brání se pohnout vpřed. Čím více balastu odhodíte, tím menší zátěž ponesete. A věřte, že budete potřebovat mnoho síly, neboť změny, které vás čekají, jsou velice významné. To, co vás tíží, jsou mnohé vaše myšlenky, neodpuštění. Je to také smutek, který může být vyvolán odchodem těch nejbližších. Může to být nechuť a ztráta síly cokoli podnikat. Mnohé emoce vyplouvají na povrch a každý z vás s nimi pracuje jak nejlépe umí. Chápeme, že mnohé vaše psychické nálady si neumíte vysvětlit. Avšak nepoddávejte se jim tolik, zkuste to. Uvidíte, že tím dříve odejdou. Kráčejte dopředu s nadějí a s vírou v lepší svět. Kolem vás se mohou hýbat hory, vy však ve svých srdcích musíte být pevní jako skály a to je ta jistota, která vám dodá sílu. Milujeme vás a žehnáme vám na vaší cestě.



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