Meditation to heal the damage caused by the earthquake in Tibet
In the morning on Tuesday, January 7th local time, a strong Magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck Tibet of southwestern China at a shallow depth of 10 km, with tremors felt in Nepal, Bhutan and parts of northern India.
The location of the epic centre is at the foothills of the Himalayas, about 80km (50 miles) north of Mount Everest.As of 8th January, at least 126 people were killed while 188 people were injured in the region.
Therefore, we suggest doing a Buddhic Column meditation to help provide energetic support to the region, so that it can be recovered as quickly as possible, and that there will not be another powerful earthquake happening again in the proximity of Tibet.
We will do this meditation every 4 hours in the next 3 days at the following times:
- 12:45 AM UTC
- 4:45 AM UTC
- 8:45 AM UTC
- 12:45 PM UTC
- 4:45 PM UTC
- 8:45 PM UTC
Then we will do this meditation daily at 4:45 PM UTC.
Instructions (The suggested time of this meditation is 15 minutes)
1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a state of relaxation. Take a deep breath of brilliant white light. Breathe out all that no longer serves you. Repeat this breathing for a few more times. Then say this mantra, or a similar one, silently or out loud if you feel guided:
"I Am the Soul
I Am Divine Light
I Am Divine Will
I Am Divine Love
I Am fixed design by me, the Soul"
2. Visualize your soul star chakra lighting up with brilliant white Light. Visualize this Light in the form of a vortex spiraling down clearing your energy field.
3. Visualize a 5-pointed star being placed high in the sky about 9 miles above the areas affected by the earthquake in Tibet. See this star glistening high above the chosen location, shining brilliant white Light.
4. Now visualize the White Fire of AN emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through all points of Light within our solar system and through the 5-pointed star, through the areas affected by the earthquake in Tibet, and deep into the center of the earth. Keep visualizing this pillar for a few minutes.
5. Visualize the tip of a brilliant vortex of white Light spiraling down clockwise from the 5-pointed star, removing and transmuting all low vibrations, dark entities, and dark energies and carrying them up to the 5-pointed star for transmutation. Visualize this vortex of spinning white Light for a few minutes. Visualize individuals who are still trapped being rescued. Visualize the region affected by the earthquake in Tibet being healed and rebuilt, and the communities returning to their normal lives as quickly as possible.
6. Visualize this Buddhic Column fully linked to all Buddhic Columns on the planet, to the planetary network of Light below, above, and on the surface of the planet, and any point of Light as guided by the Ascended Beings, all connected together with this Buddhic Column at the 5 pointed star in the network of brilliant white Light.
7. Now, in the name of Source, in the name of I AM Presence of eternal Light. We declare and command that the Buddhic Column in the areas affected by the earthquake in Tibet is now complete on all planes as guided by Source.
Victory of the Light!