Update on Meditation for Natural and man-made Disasters

Over the past week, weather, earthquake & volcano activities have been relatively benign around the world.

Hurricane season in the Atlantic region is almost over, there is no new storm being formed.

All widefires have been extinguished. In Northern California, different agencies are now collaborating on cleaning up toxic waste in order to protect the ecosystem.



Tropical Storm Damrey made landfall in Vietnam, with winds of up to 90 km/h, about 500 kilometers south of the coastal city of Danang, where the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit is taking place next week. It’s expected to decline to a tropical storm and tropical depression before moving to Cambodia.


Regular seismic activity continues and there have been many small quakes around Mother Earth as pressure is being released gently, fortunately in relatively unpopulated areas. As at 1pm GMT on Sunday November 5th, there were 76 earthquakes in the past 24 hours, with the largest ones in Loyalty Islands of M5.6, which is an aftershock of a major earthquake of M7 on October 31st.



Active volcanoes have been relatively quiet. According to Volcano Discovery, volcanic ash can be seen at the following location:
  • Popocatépetl volcano, Mexico
  • Dukono Halmahera, Indonesia
  • Reventador, Ecuador
  • Sinabung Sumatra, Indonesia
  • Sabancaya, Peru
  • Langila, Papua New Guinea
  • Suwanose-jima Ryu-Kyu Islands, Japan


Since there are no major Natural disasters anticipated in near future, we are proposing to stop doing the Natural and Man-made Disasters meditation from today until further notice.

Regarding the situation at Puerto Rico and Vieques, as well as massive animal die-off and Storm Damrey, please continue to send love and light to these situations during the Alert Meditation if you feel so guided.



Information about the Alert Meditation can be found here:



    November 4, 2017 at 9:41 PM

    <3 *** Prepare For Change Network's Online Healing & Meditation Group *** <3

    Let's come together with kindred souls in a loving space to ground the energy of positive and lasting change through the power of emotions in our synchronized guided meditations:

    We also offer free individual and group healing sessions to gently release old energies and to further integrate our expansion of Light and Love towards the greater whole.

    If you feel inspired by our initiatives to bring more light into your own life and the world at large, feel free to join our community with talented and passionate people, to connect, share and collaborate.

    Our devoted team welcomes you on our MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform!

    <3 Our current DAILY Meditation SCHEDULE for Sunday, November 5th <3

    Timezone converter: Add your own city or timezone to calculate the time of a meditation <3
    DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS here in the Americas, so remember to turn back your clocks!

    For more details, links, previews, scripts and images for these meditations, please check the #Meditation-Schedule on our MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform.

    2:00pm GMT/UTC (9:00am EST)
    **Expanded Chimera & Primary Anomaly Meditation (Toplet & Plasma Parasites)**
    In this meditation we dissolve all negative exotic technologies of the Chimera as well as the primary anomaly entity Yaldabaoth and its plasmoids.

    2:30pm GMT/UTC (9:30am EST) **__MONTHLY ONLY next one is on December 3rd__**
    **Full Moon Meditation**
    In this meditation we use this Full Moon, as a powerful Light Portal, to anchor Pure Divine Feminine energy to the planet.

    3:00pm GMT/UTC (10:00am EST)
    **Geophysical Anomalies Meditation (Natural and Man-made Disasters)**
    In this meditation we dissolve any manipulated weather situations and reduce the suffering from natural disasters.
    Specific focus: Wildfires in Northern California, Eruption of Shinmoe-dake Volcano in Japan, Puerto Rico and Vieques from aftermath of Hurricane Maria, Volcano Aguing in Bali, Portugal & Spain Wildfires and for the suffering of animals and plant life, fires at the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park in Brazil Urgent and the California Earthquakes.

    3:30pm GMT/UTC (10:30am EST)
    **Expanded Catalonia Meditation**
    In this meditation we bring peace and healing to the situation in Spain and especially Catalonia. This meditation will be done until the situation improves where both parties have reached a peaceful solution.

    3:45pm GMT/UTC (10:45am EST)
    **Primary Anomaly Detachment Meditation for Gaia (Gaia & Yaldabaoth/Plasma Parasites - Detachment)**
    In this meditation we speed up the process of detaching Gaia from the Yaldabaoth and the two wormlike plasma parasites on all time/space dimensions & planes.

    4:00pm GMT/UTC (11:00am noon EST)
    **Expanded Ascension Meditation**
    In this customized meditation we accelerate our Ascension process including The Event.

    4:30pm GMT/UTC (11:30am EST)
    **Light Forces Support Meditation (Alert Meditation - new name change)**
    In this meditation we bring more harmony and unity to planet Earth and her inhabitants and empower the light forces in their work.

    5pm GMT/UST (12noon EST) (Not scheduled for today)
    **The Ubuntu Healing Circle**
    This meditation is used to help heal someone that has requested our help.
    Please ask if you would like to be in the centre of our healing circle.

    11:00pm GMT/UTC (6pm EST) **TUESDAYS ONLY**
    **Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals**
    In this meditation we counteract the negative impact of the dark rituals performed by the Cabal.

    We would be honoured to have you join us on our MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform <3 <3 <3

  2. A GUIDED AUDIO should be made to be used in a meditative state.


    THE EVENT: COBRA / "COmpression BReAkthrough" For Divine Harmony On Earth
    November 3, 2017 at 8:19 PM


    “Divine Intervention”

    to bring THE EVENT and Liberation on earth as soon as possible.

    Speaking (aloud) in your own words daily seems best. You can address your request/prayer
    to "Source of All, Almighty God, Supreme One," or whatever words you like.

    [Reference: Cobra/Prepare for Change: October 2017 Interview - Excerpt from transcript of October 10, 2017 interview (posted October 18, 2017)]:
    Question to Cobra:

    Is it possible that:

    If people ask for more Divine Intervention
    it can speed up the process of Liberation of planet Earth?

    Your thoughts Cobra?

    COBRA: Yes, yes.

  3. A GUIDED AUDIO IS NEEDED to be listened 10...15 minutes each day to dissolve this mind program, as Cobra gave us in a previous post, but instead to write down, to use it in a meditative state.


    The easiest and most effective way to dissolve this (and in fact any) mind program is the Clearing technique brought to humanity by Charles Berner (Yogeshwar Muni):


    To summarize, we can dissolve this mind program by disassociating our Self from the program. This can be done by putting our mind alternatively into the state associated with the program (I am separated from the Source) and its opposite (I am one with the Source). If you alternatively write down these polar affirmations (perhaps 10 minutes each day), your mind will disassociate from both polar mental states (separate from the Source / one with the Source) and the mental program will start falling apart, the rotating plasma will dissipate, the implant will start dissolving and your connection with the Source / Love / Light will be naturally reinstated.

  4. there's always a lot of things going on on our planet that are related to geophysical anomalies during these end times ...
    here's another source that can give some insight into this:
    - https://www.disclosurenews.it/en/dutchsinse-earthquakes-global-forecast/


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